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Got my first real taste of Airsoft this weekend and yep i loved it :) , i have been doing ww2 re-enactment for the last 8 years and never really thought about Airsoft , I wanted a change from ww2 and wanted to do something a little more modern so brought myself a King Arms L1A1 so i could re-enact the British Army in the 80s and then thought well i might as well have a go at Airsoft as i have the weapon .


To be honest i was expecting a few strange looks turning up in 80s gear but I was very welcomed by all and had some very nice comments .


Being ex Cadet / TA and doing ww2 battle re-enactments i am pretty much at home on the battle field but not so hot on basic airsoft stuff , game rules . looking after your weapon and all the gadgets you can get :)


So really i would like to say hi to every body and my first question is there a group that do British army 70s - early 90s that i could join in with .


see you down my sights at some point in the future.






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Welcome, can't really help you on your other questions but I'm sure some of the vets on here will know.

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I don't know of any airsoft groups that play in that era as such.

Does it matter ? why dont you just carry on skirmishing in your era gear ??

The nice thing about skirmishes is that all uniforms can play alongside each other, or do you secretly hanker after re-enactment ?

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Have noticed a few ww2 & Vietnam groups and thought there maybe one with the era I do But as you say it doesn't really matter I just enjoyed the whole experience

and already planning my next skirmish there seems to be quite a few near me so I think I will try a few out .


and yes Baz JJ i still have a secret hanker :) i cannot see me ever ditching re-enactment but the cost of blank ammo £60 for 100 rounds I see Airsoft as a better alternative

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We do modern games in milsim but with a soviet era flavour which gives players a lot of scope to something other than MTP but I know what you mean in that there is a satisfaction in roleplaying.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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