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Nous Sommes Charlie (We Are Charlie)


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A thread to express your feelings to the situation developing in France following the "islamist" massacre at the Charlie Hebdo office.


Please keep from flaming, in the spirit of free expression if nothing else.


im sure we all extend our deepest regards to the victims and their families. No person deserves to be attacked for their own expression, let alone killed in such a manner.


May they rest in peace, and the culprits brought to justice.


Je suis charlie

nous somme charlie

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Obviously anyone with even the remotest sense of decency would wish to extend their sympathies to the families of those concerned. Having worked as a cartoonist and a writer for several news publications myself, I most sincerely do, in fact, I actually left the newspaper business over an issue I had with not being allowed to publish the truth about something, so I feel an affinity with those who unashamedly and bravely do so. But my sorrow is not only for the attack at the CH Office the other day, but also the attack this morning in which a French policewoman was killed. I think all that goes without saying really.


I do also think however, that we risk such a thread as this going rapidly downhill, and I'll tell you why: The incident in question was ultimately about censorship and freedom of expression. There can be little doubt that our feelings will run strong on this matter, yet on such a thread as this, ironically enough we are somewhat forced to suppress and indeed self-censor the expression of any feelings of anger or outrage we might have about the matter. I do know that if i really expressed how I felt about the matter, not only would it probably take up several pages, but it would also no doubt get the thread locked.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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