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M4 hop up


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I've got a metal upgraded hop up in my G&G raider M4 and before the weather was turning cold, it would easily hit 330 fps


I know BB's are a fairly snug fit in the hop up and being metal, its affected by cold weather which makes metal shrink, so........


Shall I put the plastic hop back in ?? during this weather for a game on sunday as the last game was hit & miss with it (misfires, feeding issues and spitting 2 or 3 out at a time)



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The metal shouldn't shrink THAT much. Plastics aren't unaffected by temperature variations either so it's worth seeing if your hop rubber needs attention before you start swapping out the hop itself.

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Far as I can tell, the hop rubbers fine, I'll take the plastic hop with me on sunday, use the chrono and take it from there


Is there a specific rubber buck that works in s**t, cold weather ??

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Is there anything I can do to help it ?? Its strange as my sons M4 was ok that day and so was my G36C :)

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What's the reason for replacing the plastic one? If it ain't broke...

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Think silicone bucking is "supposed" to be better in colder weather

but it "may" wear quicker - but silicone is thought to be better in real cold


This time of year when getting near zero-ish all stuff can be affected - bucking, piston O-ring

heck don't forget people having problems with gas guns & seals - so fps can drop in the cold


I'm sure Ian can give a much more detailed account of air temps etc....


Perhaps ask some of the Scotts what bucking they use - they would know more about cold

(if Scottish summer gets above freezing that is heatwave up there - kidding chaps)


think another bucking might help - the other guns may be in better condition or slightly softer

see what others say coz I still know f*ck all really

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@dex - I swapped out the plastic hop for a metal hop as an experiment to see what works and what doesn't, in the heat it was excellent and was still going well up until last weekend (14th) we were in heavy wooded area :)


@sitting duck, if I can find what works well in temp differences then swapping over when the weather gets colder is like people putting on a hat, scarf and gloves


I'm wondering if the buck was a bit to dry as I put a very thin layer of silicone oil down the barrel every time I clean all weapons


Battery might of had some part in it as they are both brand new, discharged then charged once


My ex sister in law and her family live in Scotland, we were wearing coats and she was wearing a jumper, she said it was warm so what you moaning about pmsl

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keep silicone away from bucking

barrel yes - hop/bucking no

though it is said you need to look at cleaning rod

Some rods have a mark on them to indicate on jam/cleaning rod where you go up to

so you don't damage bucking if unblock/cleaning barrel


Silicone good for barrel but if it gets on bucking then your bucking will need clean in warm soapy water

(can't get "back spin" like in pool/snooker if bucking is dirty/greasy/polished)


Order up a few buckings - eg: clear silicone + red/blue/black 65-70 rubber for general use

can't hurt to have a couple spare imho as such a tiny often overlooked thing can much such a difference

(we take it for granted when it all is running well - may look fine but tiny tiny bit of wear can throw it out loads)


At very least maybe inspect/clean bucking - see how that goes - or fit a new one


see if anybody else got any ideas - coz I am just a trainee apprentice noob with so much still to learn

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Thanks for your replys guys


At least I didn't have the troubles my mate and another guy at portishead site did last sunday


Both were using gas and after about 3 or 4 shots, the valve jammed open and vented (my mate had a pistol and the other guy had a gbb rifle)

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I haven't changed the buck, its still the original G&G one


I read the same thing and a review said they tested it down to -40° C, which I find hard to believe as most (if not all) electrical devices won't work at those temps


We'll see what happens tomorow when I'm at the site xmas game

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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