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The Movember thread.

Mr Monkey Nuts

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So who is participating in Movember this year? Its a cause and an idea that really strikes a chord with me, and somewhat of a personal crusade to spread the word and encourage dialogue of issues relating to the modern man. Issues that touch on many levels, from physical health and fitness, to cancers and breeching into the realms of mental health. Attacking the srtigmas of depression and looking at what leads to and the effects of suicide.

All while being disguised as a silly, egocentric opportunity to grow a fabulous Moustache, and raise a bit of money for a charity.

Note you are not limited to raising money exclusively for the Official Movember charity, many raise money for Cancer Research UK, Teenage Cancer Trust, Samaritans, Macmillan Etc, some don't raise any money at all in favour of spreading the word.





Periodically I will be sharing post and dialogue to get us thinking about our health and wellbeing, to raise your awareness and make us think, even if it is just for a moment.

Please participate, Grow a 'Mo and lets get talking openly.


Shall we start off with finding those who are growing a 'Mo, and posting pictures as we go along and as we progress through the month.

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I'll be making a donation but as I look 12 when I shave I'll be keeping my current beard for the duration.


Fantastic cause though.

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I dont participate but I donate to several causes


Poppy appeal


Cancer research

And the bereavement service


The 1st for obvious reasons but the 2nd because I'm a survivor TWICE of cancer


I also donate to mental health charity's because of my younger brother who has mental health problems


The bereavement service was brilliant to me and my family when our little boy passed away just before he was born, the priest (padre) was ex army aswell so we had a better understanding


Its great having threads like this because you get a close look into peoples personality's

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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