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Me and a few chaps have been clearing passages in a small plot of farmland outside of our town. Handily owned by a farmer that i have known since my little days (Dad used to own a farm in the same area). Its not a massive area, But its brilliant for practice and 1v1-2v2-1v3 games.


Few features:


Has a sort of open but very grown over field to approach from, God knows how many kinds of plants and weeds are growing here. But it all adds up to some nice sneaky approach assist.


At the end of the field is a very over grown patch of bushes and trees that we have cleared a few paths and routes through, Multiple options for attackers and defenders to move around and all that. (Including a sneaky ditch crawl and a nice side route hidden in the trees full of natural cover like fallen branches)


After the bush part there are some taller trees with a nice clearing, This will be used as a main objective area. Quite open but with raised bits and a nice amount of natural cover growth for concealing.


I will add a few pictures of how its going so far later! Were mainly trying to work out the best couple of places to add man made cover such as odd barricades and maybe a basic fort (Square of laid out wood or panels... You know the ones)




As far as i know this is all good and legal?, There will be no money passed over for playing there. Seeing as its for me and family or friends to practice at, And host our own little private ego battles against each other of course.

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Good luck.


Shouldn't be a problem providing its private land with no public access and you keep it to a tight circle of friends and family with no reward.

The problems start if the public can walk through when you are playing and complain to the police or if you get bored of playing with the same people and start involving friends of friends.

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The ground is private, A few hunters also have permission for the area but they are not there often and keep to an area further up. Theres a public footpath about 15 minute walk away. Usually bump into the odd farmer wandering down there with his shotgun. Used to be part of our hunting path back before we had to sell our ones.


People included are close circle, And also cant go up there without my presence. (Being the one the farmer has known for years)


I believe if the general public are complaining to the police then they are trespassing :P... And really far from their path :)

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Not trying to put a downer on your personal site, but..........


Although its only you and friends playing the problem(s) start when one player gets a bad close up burst drawing blood or worse loses a tooth. Suddenly the parent starts making loud noises, then someone mentions 'no win no fee' and the next thing is either you/your parents or the poor farmer starts to get threatening legal letters from the scum of the earth.


Its pretty unlikely you could afford PL insurance so are an easy target.


Insisting they all wear full face is a start, you won't be popular with those that don't have one, but its a small price to pay. Have a first aid kit available close by.


As I said, not trying to stop you, but experience has shown me how easy it is for players to hurt themselves.

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Well.... My friends are the same age as me to be fair. Which means they won't be letting their parents fight their battles if they get a tooth shot out. Before we got the site we were practicing in an area not even half the size. We came away from every game covered in welts and little bruises and sometimes abit o blood. The farmer as I have said I have known for years. Unless I shoot his balls on full auto it should be fine.


Don't worry about downers or hints, I put this here because I am excited about it and don't want mistakes :)


Oh yeah our mini team kit bag has abit of everything in it incase someone forgets theirs. Got 3 spare masks in there as well as one of those large green first aid kits you find in factories, some gas, ammo,towel, dry food, emergency phone. And the worst spring pistol ever which we make you use if your a muppet or cheat.

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private games are best games! :)

Agreed on the faceprotection, maybe even boots & kneepads. also, might want to consider however you want to tell the local police that you are occasionally airsofting there. I only do private games now days (the the odd exception), but the police are well aware that people like to airsoft in that area so they wont come with their guns drawn.

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I have already informed them that i travel to an area out there. First thing i did a week or so ago, Someone got arrested in town firing off a handgun(rif) recently. So i told them i would be taking a certain route through town with my guns well packed into their bags. To avoid issue :)


*pictures delayed by storms and rain* The shortcut out to our area flooded abit, And the alternate route is an extra 20-30 minutes walking. Decided to leave it till were actually up there :) (edit)

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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