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Stay in School!!!!

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Brilliant and very useful public service advert from the Aussies :D


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Or if you find yourself in a minefield, follow your tracks back to the fence rather than running in random directions?


Or don't go to Australia: If the animals don't kill you, the mines they've hidden on the beaches will :)


Tbh they should have noticed the clues. When you find yourself on a beach doing slow motion montages, then you're in Baywatch mode. In Baywatch if you're not a life guard then you're obviously in some sort of danger!

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Not far from the secondary school I attended, there is a legitimate RAF beach, which the RAF regularly blow up, unfortunately, the Chavs evolved quickly and learned that if you just go shag people from the other schools in town (in their school bathrooms), you're not doing any more learning AND you're not getting blown up.

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