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After some advice about starting a new site! :D


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I personally wouldn't want to lug a clansman around (not even a diddy 349) as those things are f*cking heavy lumps!

Haha! They're not that bad! I suppose it depends on how real you want to make the Sim! We'll take a look at some other options as well rather than Clansman for the Battle Group net. TBH I'd prefer not to use Mil Radios as they're a pain in the a** and I can't really be bothered with hassle of applying for radio licences. We defo need two separate Radio Nets though. A section and Battle Group net. We've been approached by an investor if we need anything so purchasing good equipment shouldn't be an issue!

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like you said, mil radios are a pain in the hoop, too much specialised kit to program and charge them. I'm 99% sure you could buy a bunch of chinese puxing or baofeng radios and program them to work on non-PMR446 frequencies. Obviously you'd need a license for that, but it'd mean you'd be able to get a source of cheap (ish) reliable lightweight radios that'll work on a discreet frequency without much fuss, as a bonus they'll also work with standard PTTs so anyone with a headset that ends in a TP120 plug should be able to use them without too big a faff.

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I think comms are a must in a sim but only if people use them properly.


The more reality you can inject into the event, the better it is. Its not just about what facilities are provided by the organiser and a little attention to detail can go a long way.


One milsim organiser in the states apparently simmed the smell of gangrene. Don't ask..


Keep the technology simple, but you can always throw a few curved balls like the use of field telephones for example or a mocked up satellite link.

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Without a good Comms plan then the whole Sim would fall apart before it even got started. We're currently looking into a few different options for radios. I'm not going to start trying to reprogram radios but we will certainly look at different options and I f I need to buy a radio licence then I'll do it. Red & Blue Forces will all be on different Fx with separate Battle Group, TAC, and Fires nets. We're looking at injecting as much realism into it as possible. What we'd quite like to do at EndEx is spend about 30mins with everyone in ine room and do a hot washup! What did people like, what didn't they, what would they do again, what would they change etc, this way we can keep building on every event we host.

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Another thing we're thinking of doing to add realism and I'm not sure if people would be interested in doing this, but would people be willing to pay a bit more for entry if they didn't have to buy any Pyro or Ammo etc? We'd resupply when requests came in as if it were real. That way people would have to watch their ammo levels until re supplied. Just an idea, what's everyone's thoughts?

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Most people would be happy with that. There are a few who may want specific weights of ammo (especially snipers etc). Most Milsims put a limit on ammo carried and only allow reloading in a safe zone. You could probably allow each player to put a certain quantity of ammo in a plastic bag with their name on it which then goes into an ammo box, that way everyone gets to use the ammo they have adjusted their gun to use. If it's intercepted by the enemy it gets taken back to the safe zone.

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I don't think it would ever get intercepted as it would be re supplied forward by the exercise directing staff. That's good to know though. We could accept requests for all Ammo and Grenades, Pyro etc. why only reload in a safe zone?? It would be good to reload under fire in certain scenarios

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Well the company will be registered in a few hours and then it's all systems go. We've then got to open the bank account and take out the Insurance. The website and all the Social media sites are under construction and we're aiming for our first event end of May time! We're off to the Airsoft Show this weekend to discuss a few options with some companies. Thing's a re developing well now. We will hopefully start advertising properly in a couple of weeks when we launch the website etc, and are hoping to touch base with Airsoft International Mag this weekend to discuss placing an advert in the magazine for the next few issues.

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Thats great..

Good luck and keep us informed about the wheres and whens so we can circulate it to milsim fans.

We will do for defo Baz! I've just PM'd you. Thanks for the offer of spreading the word too, advertising is going to be key for this. We've a lot riding on the success of the first event

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Been following this thread

Shame i'm up in Leeds.


but good luck mate I really hope this works out for you lads


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Yeh matey didn't realise this

So I may make a visit after all.


Will let you know. I just have to sort a rif first

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We will do for defo Baz! I've just PM'd you. Thanks for the offer of spreading the word too, advertising is going to be key for this. We've a lot riding on the success of the first event


Hey Man, if your thinking of advertising, obviously bookface and twitter are good but have you thought about contacting Veterans World and all the ex Reg organisations in your area? Only a thought but you could get all the vets to form teams and would be awesome publicity for it! Best a luck to you pal

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Thanks a lot for the advice Dutch. We'll certainly take a look at that. We need as many people as we can for the first event, but realise that this might be easier said than done as we'd be a new event and an untested entity! The scenarios are developing well and we're currently looking into prices for different options for the weekend. We want to keep the cost as low as a possible for the first one to attract more people but put everything raised back into the game to make it as exciting as possible! So far if our numbers work we're confident we can put on a pretty good event :)

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Latest update! After a meeting this afternoon with our accountant we've now officially registered the Company! Next week will see the final stages such as Bank, Public Liability Insurance, UKARA Registration and then we can start building and developing the scenario. Website design will begin this weekend! All being well we'll be in a position to push live our website, social media, and advertising for the first event sometime around March 10th! This will give us about 2 1/2 months to get all the moving parts in order :) Exciting times

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Well update from yesterday's visit to the show! We had a very productive day and managed to talk to a lot of very friendly & helpful people. We've been very fortunate to have received full support and backing from AA & AI Magazine who are going to help us advertise and push the event and also come and cover it to write a review. After an extremely lengthy discussion with Ben from AI Mag, we've decided to move away slightly from our initial full on Mil Sim experience and conduct more of a Training weekend experience. We will recruit the help of serving subject matter experts to ensure the skills being taught are the latest and most up to date! We will break Saturday evening and lay on a few drinks and BBQ and give everyone the chance to chill out, discuss, and recover from the days scenarios before heading out to do it all again early Sunday morning. We're still going to throw everything we've got into the scenarios and they will be as realistic as possible. We should have all details ready to be published Mid March when our new website and social media sites go live, as well as linking them into both AA & AI news feed on their sites. So keep an eye out for further info and I'll get back to writing some scenarios :)

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Awesome guys.

I like the weekend experience idea, BBQ & beer during the night sounds ace.


Good luck guys

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a thought but had you seen that Operation Shining light has been postponed? Maybe you would fancy doing something that weekend, that way all of us that were planning to go to that event can come and be your guineapigs :)

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  • 1 month later...

Just an update as to where we're at right now! Things have been a little quiet at the moment due to a misunderstanding on our part with the MoD. As it stands from an events point of view we're all ready to go. The scenarios are all written, we've got the training team assembled who will deliver the coaching, with IED experts and Snipers to deliver Sniper training. All our extras and actors are all in place and the dems/battlefield effects have all been provisionally booked. All that we need to do now is confirm the availability of the areas. We're hopeful that we'll have a decision soon and then we can officially launch the event. So things are still moving slowly, but at least they're moving! We're committed to getting this event up and running as we've invested a lot of money and time into getting it to where we are at the moment and will not see it fail before it even gets off the ground!

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Great news we're back on! Should have a date for the debut event by the end of the week. It will be on a new area but will be much better suited to the scenario we're running. Keep an eye on our website www.greenzoneairsoft.co.uk for more details. You can also follow us on Twitter @GRNZone_Airsoft and FB: Green Zone Military Simulation LTD.


We're finally happy again after months of hanging around we can start to get things moving again. Spread the word and hope to see as many people as possible there. :)

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