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Household Innovation: THE AK47 DUSTER! WOOP WOOP!

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You know it's cold and you complain that it's cold. Wrap up warm, turn on the heating. You have plenty of options so don't complain biatches.



Rhinos, not the most cuddly creatures but in a league of their own. They have a horn, 'nuff said. Too bad I am about to kill one as you are going to see.



Puppies, cute little cuddly creatures that follow where ever you go and truly are a man's best friend; to everyone else that is. My friend's Labrador is a total cock whipper. I come in his house and this dogs gets all excited, jumps towards me, spins around me and whilst doing that, he wags his tail so high that it hits my bollocks everytime, and he does it with a tonne of force! Doesn't even say sorry, bad dog, and for that i'm gonna kill a puppy as you will see also.



Silleh buoy, of course you still love JBBG's bulldog pellets, I even told you stop buying them and feast on blasters instead, you sicken me.



Oh and P90's and very sexual. Lovely box shape that is nice and comfy and close to your heart.




Oh well, moving on......


So you know my AK47 is a shyte weapon, always keeps breaking, very hungry glue feasting gun. Well, the internals are fine except now the ak body is quite loose and the fire selector mechanism won't stay still and keeps jumping out into the ak body. However i sorted that with a bit of glue and plastic around the place.


So, you know that airsoft guns are powered by air, hence the name "airsoft", right? Of course you don't.


Well, now you know, if there is no BB pellet in the hop up chamber, then you know the air will just escape through the barrel right?


Of course you didn't know, you would never dry fire a gun. Pusseh.


So, now that you know that i know that you know that we all know that air will travel through the barrel, I had an amazing innovative idea to use it as a duster, yes, duster, to get rid of that horrible grey specs of dirt on a surface that we cannot avoid.


So some of you use these feathers on a stick to brush away to dust, some of you blow them away, and blow them away works.


SO! If air blasts out of the barrel when dry firing a gun, then it would make a brilliant duster!



So, I hereby present to you all........


(drum roll; bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada!!!!!!!!!)


(click the spoiler!)



dA aKfourty7 dUsTa!!!!!!!!!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzITV5xAMJk Watch in HD, and btw, my AK is not pink, youtube is screwing with the colours


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I see that HowToBasic has inspired your cinematographic style.


The duster gun is pretty crap though. You need a P* for that mess!!

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Also, are you a girl?? if not why is most things in that room pink and why do you have stuffed animals. if its not your room, did you go searching through your sisters room for dusty shelves?? thats creepy!

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Also, are you a girl?? if not why is most things in that room pink and why do you have stuffed animals. if its not your room, did you go searching through your sisters room for dusty shelves?? thats creepy!

it's not my room, the carpet is pink... the walls are painted pink................ and the stuffed animals were just for a laugh.


Jeez, dat duz nawt neeed eggsplayning

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> Buy a thunder B and a sh*tload of Co2.

> Load thunder B and place on dusty shelf.

>pull pin

>run away screaming like little girl.




I forgot i had hoovered my room once and emptied the dust into my bin.

I then thought it would be a good idea to drop the bin in my living room with my BFG inside to spook my brother's friends....



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