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The "whoops don't tell the wife/girlfriend" thread.

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Not sure if there is a thread like this on here already but anyway......


Pics of stuff you were not meant to do.






Not clearing god sniper rifle and then shooting the wall! Mental note check the chamber is clear next time.

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I've got a hole in a door from exactly the same cause, Sam! I'll put a pic up when i get home later :lol: plus....


When i was making the ergonomic grip i have on my pistol i had to keep aiming it to check how it was coming along... but of course holding it and aiming is only part of the story - the grip had to help keep my aim stable when i fired...


I'm just glad that i picked a headshot of somebody in the bottom right hand corner of my TV without remembering that the fucker was actually loaded :( 370 FPS at about 2.5m - I'm surprised the telly still works, but there is a funky dot which is always white with a rainbow aureola. What a penis!

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I've got a hole in a door from exactly the same cause, Sam! I'll put a pic up when i get home later :lol: plus....


When i was making the ergonomic grip i have on my pistol i had to keep aiming it to check how it was coming along... but of course holding it and aiming is only part of the story - the grip had to help keep my aim stable when i fired...


I'm just glad that i picked a headshot of somebody in the bottom right hand corner of my TV without remembering that the f*cker was actually loaded :( 370 FPS at about 2.5m - I'm surprised the telly still works, but there is a funky dot which is always white with a rainbow aureola. What a penis!


you daft fucker.


I managed to accidentally set of a blank firing grenade in my shower room on base last week, completely enclosed 6'x4' tiled room with a 9mm blank going off... made my ears ring for a good 4 hours. Hopefully didn't do any permanent damage.


Note to self, next time I pull the pin to check the size of the split pin... make sure there's no blank in it :(

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Not sure if there is a thread like this on here already but anyway......


Pics of stuff you were not meant to do.






Not clearing god sniper rifle and then shooting the wall! Mental note check the chamber is clear next time.

I've got a hole in a door from exactly the same cause, Sam! I'll put a pic up when i get home later :lol: plus....


When i was making the ergonomic grip i have on my pistol i had to keep aiming it to check how it was coming along... but of course holding it and aiming is only part of the story - the grip had to help keep my aim stable when i fired...


I'm just glad that i picked a headshot of somebody in the bottom right hand corner of my TV without remembering that the f*cker was actually loaded :( 370 FPS at about 2.5m - I'm surprised the telly still works, but there is a funky dot which is always white with a rainbow aureola. What a penis!




you daft f*cker.


I managed to accidentally set of a blank firing grenade in my shower room on base last week, completely enclosed 6'x4' tiled room with a 9mm blank going off... made my ears ring for a good 4 hours. Hopefully didn't do any permanent damage.


Note to self, next time I pull the pin to check the size of the split pin... make sure there's no blank in it :(

Bullshyte, that is all nothing.


This is what had happened to my wall with my "accidental-trigger-finger-slip-on-full-auto". I'm not exactly happy with it as it makes visitors go, "what a bellend he is for ruining you, you lovely wall, OH MIGHTY WALL, COME AND KISH MEH"


Note that the mahoosive crack was covered in paint and was hard to see in ambient day light, so i shut the curtains and shone an LED on it to show the shadows.


Plus there is another big crack right below. But my LED won't shine that far.

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Tried to make this one clear but the shity camera didn't pick up the true level of devestation. So I was dicking about with my air pistol and uzi, fired at a target I'd set up (shoe box stuffed with rags ). The steel bb's went through that, a blackbag full of clothes and then a good 1/4 inch into the wall, each one having to be taken out of the wall. I hadn't realised this was happening till I tried to get something out of the bag later on.


Think I top trumps you and Sam, Frizzle!





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@James: if your ears rang, that's permanent damage - the frequency of the tone/s your ears rang with will never be heard by you again as well as previously because some of the hairs in the cochlea which are the right width and length to respond to those frequencies have been bent, which is why it sounds like they are still receiving an outside stimulus (waving about in response to pressure waves in the inner ear liquid is what generates the nerve impulse - a bend is a permanent 'wave' if you will). I forget if the brain tunes them out or the nerve dies, but it's an imperfect process because that's also what most cases of tinnitus are.


My Door






My Opinion

Walls, and I say this with the greatest respect to a job well done Ted, are all well and good, but so far my £250 telly is top trumps surely tf? I have to say, Friz, I'd give more credit to you if you had to actually pay for the damage. That's not to suggest that you're not as much as a bell end as the rest of us, only that when it is you that has to pay for such things, there's that little bit more subconscious activity going on behind the eyes...


There's the ordinary frantic semaphore signaller from the Dept. of Embarrassment, Shame & Guilt, whose efforts, we all know, often go unremarked. But there's also the insistent Nokia ringtone from the Exchequer, the internal Chancellor of which, if he's doing his job properly, has his minions alerting several other departments to the impending problems they are going to face should the Prime Egoster not get the message and continue with a blatant dick move. At which point the klaxon from the Dept. of Sex Procurement may go off, followed by the Secretary himself over the inward PA:


Attention all personnel! Attention all personnel!

This course of action will result in potentially significant strain on cashflow.

She will not be pleased when we cannot afford some inane but, to her, essential exercise in bonding and/or gaining status by flaunting our togetherness alongside some conspicuous expense/consumption, such as going on holiday to somewhere more expensive than her work colleagues...

She will not fuck us when she's annoyed with us, unless we have a massive row and make-up sex.

We have almost depleted our yearly reserves of make-up sex. That which remains must be kept for emergencies, or she will leave.

Stop immediately! I repeat: stop immediately!

My Lol


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