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Contour - CLOSED!

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sadly tis true contour have went down the drain, i was talking to a distributor and he said that there would be no more deliveries from now on

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The full extent of the crack is just out of shot, but one of the branches of it can be seen under certain light up in the top left corner, the angle of the crack is just in line with the angle the camera looks at it, so it's only when light passes directly through it that you can notice it.


If I switched back to 720p you'd be able to see the whole crack. I think I'm going to have to buy a proper 3mm lens cover for it and tape it over the front of the whole camera or something.


The lens kits for the Contour ROAM series weren't shipped outside the US, all the lens kits online were for the Contour HD, which takes completely different lenses which don't even come close to fitting. So they're a massive bugger to get hold of. I emailed Contour directly and they sent me one lone cover as a "good will gesture" but they wouldn't let me buy a set or anything.


So if you get one, definitely get a cover for it immediately.

surely you could just get a bit of lexan and duct tape it on?

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surely you could just get a bit of lexan and duct tape it on?

I could yeah, I've been meaning to for ages actually, it's one of those things that seems so trivial you just can't be arsed with it lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's true - I think Ed's lense took a hit recently and cracked, something like that. Not noticed it in his videos though.

Ahh never run a contour naked! You can make a lens shield like mine quite easily if you have some old (non mesh) eye protection laying around. Just take one of the clear lenses and use a stanley knife to carefully score a lens sized guide shape into the outer side. Then use some strong wire cutters to snap the excess off until you get to the line you scored and it should clip off fairly cleanly. Tidy up any rough edges with a file, fix to your lens with electrical tape and you're all done. I have seen more advanced custom lens protectors but if you need a dirt cheap and more importantly quick DIY fix to get your contour protected asap then try this first! :)
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