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Cloak loudout

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So, i have a Flecktarn loadout at the moment but i want that extra badassness on my back, i want a torn up ragged looking cloak with a hood. Sort of the things you see when a recon is sniping in the rain. anyone seen anything like this online for buying?

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I think it would be both better and cheaper to make it. Make it out of the heavy dpm cloth and you should have something both tough, and already camo'd.

Maybe check out one of "The Lord of the Rings" prop stores.

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I wouldn't advise making a poncho out of cloth, if its raining it will get soaked and weigh you down, there are already plenty of rainproof camo'd ponchos available, here's a few, can probably get cheaper on eBay



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So, i have a Flecktarn loadout at the moment but i want that extra badassness on my back, i want a torn up ragged looking cloak with a hood. Sort of the things you see when a recon is sniping in the rain. anyone seen anything like this online for buying?

hey stop stealing my idea!

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I have a DPM rain poncho. It's very light, rain proof, and can be used to make a shelter in a pinch.


4 days left to get this one cheap

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Some hessian sacking? That's what I'd use. Just spray it with green splodges so it blends better in a woodland environment.

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  • 1 month later...

Can't believe that no one is even going to mention the Cloak of invisibility! :lol: The ultimate in warfare camo! :D

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Can't believe that no one is even going to mention the Cloak of invisibility! :lol: The ultimate in warfare camo! :D

Yes, because you can get a hold of one of them quickly :D
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Yeah, just give JK Rowling a visit ;)

You'd need a fcuking cloak of invisibility to get anywhere near her!


@hprentice: you can find those Russian capes on fleabay pretty often. I doubt there's much, if any, difference between the WW2 and later versions, until the modern nylon ones anyway.

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You can't post that here!! The NSA knows what we're doing, they're probably coming to take you away now!!!


Personally, it doesn't look very transparent to me, just a dodgy grey like colour.


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Yeah, I reckon it's just a piss poor camera rather than optical camo in action.....

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