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stuck flash hider

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Took it off just fine yesterday, wasn't a problem and didn't require any effort whatsoever.

However, went to take it off today and it's stuck on solid, won't budge. At all. I didn't screw it back on really tight and it didn't go on at a wonky angle or anything.


Does anyone have any ideas on how to get it off? So far i've tried brute strength combined with wd40, and neither have worked :angry: . Nothing that involves a clamp/vice as I don't have either!



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Oh my god, I can't believe I didn't think of that... I have the exact same issue with mine lol.


Spanner time I think. I bet I don't have one the right size...

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Use a spanner (assuming you have one?) thats what the two flat sides are for


Yea I've done that (to grip the flash hider itself) but there's no flat surface to grip the barrel so I can't get a decent grip to hold that steady and twist on the flash hider.

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Get a friend to sit on the rifle's receiver? That's what I did :D

Unless it's plastic bodied... not sure if it'd be strong enough- maybe use a hair dryer to melt any glue or anything under the flashhider

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Get a friend to sit on the rifle's receiver? That's what I did :D

Unless it's plastic bodied... not sure if it'd be strong enough- maybe use a hair dryer to melt any glue or anything under the flashhider


Unfortunately it is plastic bodied, haven't got the money yet to buy myself a metal receiver! And there's no glue, it's just stuck :(

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Unfortunately it is plastic bodied, haven't got the money yet to buy myself a metal receiver! And there's no glue, it's just stuck :(


Just a thought but are you turning it the right way?

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Try some mole gripsput some rag on first to protect muzzle,also try a pipe spanner ( monkey wrench to us old flom lol) again use a rag for protection asls try turning both ways just to make sure

And good luck last thing you want is muzzle to snap off

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The problem I have with mine is that the barrel is a positive thread and has an extension on it, the other end of which is also a positive thread and has the flash hider on it.


So if I unscrew the flash hider, I just end up unscrewing the extension instead... I'm getting nowhere fast.


I don't really want to clamp the extension with a vice or anything either as it might damage it and at the very least will scratch it to buggery.

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I've had that problem before Ed. Literally the only way I got them apart was to use a pair of pliers on the extension and a spanner on the flash hider.

Really messed up the extension, stripped the paint the whole way around, and scratched it deeper and deeper until the pliers finally got grip, where the metal build up was too much for them to slip any more. Looked awful.


Also get a similar problem with my L96 silencer adapter. Screws into the outer barrel the same way the silencer screws onto it. So tightening the silencer locks the adapter to the silencer, which is impossible to get off (without ruining the threads completely), unless I tighten it so much that it locks the adapter to the outer barrel. Then to remove that, I have to put a 2 or 50 pence coin in two little notches cut out of the adapter and twist them with a pair of pliers, while holding the rest of the gun still by almost sitting on it. It's cost me a fair few quid removing that adapter.

The PDI adapter/flash hider is a much better design. Has two threads, which you then screw the silencer on lightly and into the barrel lightly, then the 'chunky' bit of the flash hider goes over the threads and you tighten it underneath with an Allen screw, which locks it all in place. Undo the screw and then it comes off easily.

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I might try glueing a load of that protective foam G&P guns come packed with to the extension so it doesn't just slide all over it. Then putting a vice on that.


Hopefully the padding will stop the vice damaging it, while the glue + friction from the clamping and twisting will stop the foam slipping...


It's my only hope.


Then once it's off, I'll just use nail varnish remover to get all the flecks of glue and foam off and hope the pain on it's good.

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Then once it's off, I'll just use nail varnish remover to get all the flecks of glue and foam off and hope the pain on it's good.


Don't use nail nash remover it will just eat into paint and then your screwed more ways than one try glue the foam to something you can wrap around not to any painted metal. nail nash remover is a form of aceotone which in turn removes paint, glue and will even melt plactic.I used it once to remove paint from a model kit once never again melted it LOL

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Well I tried using it, along with bleach, to remove the trades on the receiver that I don't want and both substances failed miserably to remove anything except the comfort from my skin.


So I'm not so sure it'll take the paint off. I have yet to be arsed to try and remove it again anyway, so time shall tell.

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