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Airsoft Gear in Hot Weather

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i change from my wools to dot 44 stuff, but thats because i would melt in full wool kit. summer the k98 will be making more of an apearance so i dont have to run as much :lol:

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What i usually wear


I was wearing summer kit during the winter :P

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We talking uniforms or LBE?


I don't really change much other than gloves and boots depending on the season, certainly not my rig/belt setup.


If you've not got any sort of combat shirt/UBACS that would be my first suggestion, then some nice thin/lightweight trousers to with it. Just switching your shirt from the old t-shirt/lightweight jacket combo over to a UBACS makes a massive difference.

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So far if it is super hot I just take the sleeves off of my shirt as they just zip right off. Its a very breathable shirt too since the torso area is made from a lighter material. I dont have a lot of gear so my only other option is to use some mesh goggles instead of my full face mask. Although some goggles with mesh lower protection would be a good idea.

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There's a few different types of eye pro that are suitable, but the goggles/glasses combo with a mesh lower face mask is probably the most common setup I see at games which is both highly effective in terms of safety and perfect for ventilation.

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Best bet is likely going to be eBay.


The brit issue ones are pretty good quality and shouldn't cost much at all, especially in the old desert DPM; though you'll find MTP on there as well for a few quid more I've no doubt. Certainly a better option than viper/web-tex.

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simple i ditch the smock for the od shirt remove the leggings and add a camelbak to my rig pack

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Best bet is likely going to be eBay.


The brit issue ones are pretty good quality and shouldn't cost much at all, especially in the old desert DPM; though you'll find MTP on there as well for a few quid more I've no doubt. Certainly a better option than viper/web-tex.


I got a DDPM UBACS from the local market for a tenner (Grade 1 surplus)

Online it was about the same but + £5 for postage and new ones (no difference at all) were £20.

Don't buy Viper ones, they're £30!

Would've been better if they sold -Woodland- DPM on that stall, but better than paying 50% more or double in my opinion.

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