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grand national

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sorry to be the evil son of a ***** here as i won a hundred of my mate that a horse would die sorry :(

and now for the hate mail

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The horses were bred to race, so they raced. Accidents are part of that and within the racing community it is an accepted thing.


You would be a fool not to put money on at least 1 horse 'not quite finishing' as it were.


Horses have been around ALOT longer than greedy breeders, believe me!


The only reason they are bred, is greed and money!


That's the problem with society, everyone is more interested in money than doing the right thing. I don't expect anyone else to agree because it's more normal these days to have that greedy view than any other.

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The problem is that these are meant to be the finest horses in the country, so why not have a course suitable for them, or reduced numbers, rather than a set up that is known to cause problems? There is no need for it to happen in my view. Putting down horses can't be part of the fun in anyone's view. I can accept it might happen occasionally, but every year near enough isn't good.


If any other sport had animals/people being put to rest there would a public outcry?

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you're right, if we started putting down footballers who fell over unneccesarily there would be outcry (although, morally I believe it would the right thing :P)


but there would also be outcry if you changed the venue, course or number of horses in the grand national.


you are right there though, Boro, people are far more interested in money than doing the right thing. It's not good, but it's the way it is and without reforming pretty much everything it's the way it is. Humans are good at making life more comfortable for themselves and their offspring - survival of the fittest. Just it's got to the point where it isn't physical fittness, but he who has the fattest bank account which leads the easiest life.

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Not just the National that kills horses:




Only 32% of those died in actual races. Well over half of those that are killed, are killed because they become injured in training or are suddenly deemed not to be "commercially viable", which is a euphemism for past it. They are treated as tools, nothing more.


Also, what's the "bred" thing? Horses don't jump because they're bred to, nor because they like it. Strangely, there aren't many fences and hedges in nature. Have you ever seen a horse being "trained" to jump? Being hit repeatedly on the haunches with a whip or steel tube to force it over a low training jump is the usual way of things.

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To the horse owners, though, they ARE a tool.

If you had a hammer and it broke, would you keep it? no.

would you be able to find a new home for it? no, because no-one wants a broken hammer with gaffer tape holding it together.


and I would have said they were bred to jump and run faster. It's not a natural so we breed the strongest, fastest horses for racing.

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I don't bet on sports (mainly because I've got no idea about what's going on).


You can't point blank say it's wrong. Other people in other cultures view things differently. Yes, to you it may seem cruel but to others it's a normal thing to happen.

So, yes if had an interest and was part of a culture where it is legal and is an everyday occurrence, then probably yes.

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You can't really use culture as a reason bearing in mind we are of the same culture. It's an English sport in England.


Even the RSPCA are calling for changes. It's just not acceptable that we can put these animals in danger in the name of sport/pleasure.


Animals die for lots of reasons, some reasons are ludicrous and don't make any sense.

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But horses don't just die in the grand national.

If one outside of a racing event breaks it's leg, they still get killed.

Does that mean we should ban all horses and any type of riding?

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Who mentioned banning anything? I haven't!


That's another problem, if people don't like something they all get on the "Ban Wagon".


If an F1 driver dies on the circuit, they find out why and make it safer.


If a footballer dies of a heart attack on the pitch, they call for more heart screening.


You can make things safer without having to ban it.


In two the last 2 Grand Nationals, 4 horses have died!


They NEED to make it safer.

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Why do they NEED to make it safer?

so that those who do not watch or partake in the event in any way are not offended?

Dangerous things are often more exciting to both partake in and watch.

Why should the non-initiated start altering things for those that it is their hobby or passion?

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Because of the word "Choice".


If you choose to take part in a dangerous sport, then you should know the risks and make a choice.


Horses don't choose to be flogged and ridden to death.


It's our responsibility as "intelligent" people to make the right decisions of behalf of these animals.


Horse racing happens every weekend, why does the Grand National need to be so extreme and dangerous?


If two horses died every time there was a horse race, it would be banned or made safer.


Just because it only happens once a year doesn't make it right!

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If you read the link I posted, you will see it is not just the Grand National. Over 800 horses have been killed in the last five years, which is one every two and a bit days. In comparison, only 9 horses died in road accidents in the the whole of 2010. There have been over twice that number killed in racing in the last month.

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Just done some quick reading and it appears that they HAVE made it safer - Google and Wikipedia are your friend.


and on choice:

153,583 Attended last years race

8.8 Million watched it on telly. (in the UK alone)


The vast majority of those people - if not all - chose to watch it


We are not aware as to whether the horses - 40 of them -chose to run or not.

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