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n1ckh last won the day on October 7 2015

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G cm16 M4 raider
    M58B shotgun
    CYMA glock 18c aep
    Beretta M9 gas pistol
  • Loadouts
    Chest rig, my old army kit, regiment beret, mesh goggles & mask and fingerless tactical gloves
  • Sites
    Black ops cribbs
    Black ops portishead
    Spartan airsoft Bristol
  • Gender
  • Location
    north somerset
  • Interests
    Rc hobbyist, i build, buy, restore and sell rc boats and cars, i do a little racing now and then, watching films, camping and teaching my boys things I learned in the army

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  1. Project box Push to make switch (off, hold to turn on) 9v battery snap On/Off switch I'm making a few hand detonators (cheaper to make than buy them) as my sites won't allow me to use my remote detonators :/ The same components will allow me to make a few anti personnel mines when aswell the hand detonators are done
  2. I use an M4 magwell adapter on my JG G36C & it works ok, you just need to get used to it being a bit fiddly at first to insert the mag but practice makes perfect. The feed tube is not straight & the bb's will not drop out so you need to turn the rifle upside down to fire the 5 or 6 remaining bb's out
  3. I was thinking of getting the same for the October weekender (shame you both can't make it & I'll have to break in a new OC & 2IC lol) Not many sites allow them if aircraft are always around
  4. Recent purchases are Alpha fire remote detonators Electronic igniters (maroons out of stock) Friction smokes & bangs Speaker mic Dynatex timed & impact grenade plus .209 & 9mm blanks Molle waist pack A 2nd programmable radio
  5. Dean's connectors for me but gold 5mm bullet connectors for my radio control vehicles & boats
  6. If it's still under warranty etc, contact the retailer with what is wrong & get them to fix it No point doing any major work to it as you'll void the warranty
  7. Cheers Dave. I'm getting bored of the usual M4 mags & like the look of the pmags, emags etc
  8. I gave it go & still the same problem. I've since read that green label emags should fit
  9. Cheers Monty I'll give that a bash mate
  10. I've got a tan magpul pmag that feeds in my ICS M4 but not my G&G L85 (doesn't seat in the magwell all the way) I want to upgrade my old mags & like the look of them........but I need them to work in both rifles as I don't need seperate mags then & where do I start looking ?? Cheers guys
  11. So today was the first time using the SA80 with the mosfet. Trigger response was a bit more crisp & ROF remains the same, the usual dead zone on the cut off lever occured a few times when my son used it & I told him to not release the trigger to early & he picked up on switching to full auto quite quickly. All in all, much better & faster trigger, held up well to today's abuse
  12. I've got the G&G SA80, M4 (CQB) & ICS M4 (woodland) plus a jing gong or JG G36C aswell I use the SA80 alot but my M4's are always my back up & go to rifles.
  13. From the issues I've seen with the ICS SA80 about the trigger, I'd go with the G&G one as it's more of a mechanical trigger (and closer to the real one) rather than an electrical trigger (which you get in the ICS version) One guy used mine all day because his ICS one was buggered most of the day
  14. Didn't take long to put the mosfet in as the the wiring was all sorted Even a quick trigger pull of dry firing & I can definitely hear a difference the mosfet was soooooo worth it A word of advice for people who own a G&G l85a2 & want to wire in a mosfet. The positive wires from the battery & motor go in the top hole of the trigger contact & signal wire in the bottom because the bottom hole will give you full auto when you connect the battery
  15. Well, my new mosfet arrived this morning but I'm away for the day as it's my day off so will be hooking the fet up tonight then pew pew test time on Sunday
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