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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. I wrote "comic books" but it posted before I could actually finish the whole sentece then the PC froze.. And I think I hit delete like a billion times and got distracted. By work etc as I shouldn't have been forum browsing lol....
  2. My Raider was tinkered with and Deans fittings were installed...
  3. Stick to the mag reccomendations here and you cant go wrong..
  4. Stick to the mag reccomendations here and you cant go wrong..
  5. 76 views and I do hope at least 10% of you voted.. It really will make a difference..
  6. Those ASG ones are the same I have and no issues for me... I heard G&G mags can be very problematic in Raiders.. Flashlights are for show. They give away positions so are useless in a fight. Only really use mine for "Dead man on the Flashlight" in really dark areas to save some sneaky fecker shooting me..
  7. Be careful with Mags... I had a pig of a time finding ones to fit. In the end it was a cheapo box of plastic ones from my local store 10 for 50 quid which I end up using... The best thing is to buy mags as recommended by another Raider user. Grips and scopes etc are all pretty standard. I got mine from the Bay of E.. Some el cheapo grip for like 6 quid has done me very proud. There are many styles shapes and angles to choose from. they should all fit. Again batteries are pretty standard, just get a reasonable make/supplier and you will be fine. Make sure you match the connections properly and dont get one too high for the gun. 9.6 nimh or 7.4 lipo are ideal. And obviously a battery to suit. I use component shop for all of my batteries just because their service is good and range always in stock (when I order anyway)
  8. Please take 2 mins to click on here www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk and vote for PROSPEX (my charity) so we can get some much needed funding. Your vote will hopefully make a difference... Thanks, Alan

  9. Hey guys n gals... I work as a Youth Worker for a small Charity in North London and we have put in a funding bid, however this one relies on votes rather than the content of the work we do (which is very worthwhile). Could you all please make a difference to my local community and young people I work with by spending 2 mins voting for us? You need to register and verify your email and then search our charity and click on vote (please use all ten votes on us). It literally takes 2 mins start to finish.. Thanks. Alan Register here: www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk Search for: Prospex Thanks.... EDIT ******* cmon guys.. 177 views. I do hope some of the regulars could take 2 mins to help me out. My organisation is a small local charity and we rely on donations and funding bids like these to be able to provide our services to the young people in our community. It takes a very small time to vote but would mean so much to many if we were successful. Our funding bids very rarely rely on votes so I wont be spamming you all with requests every week, this is a very rare occurance Thanks.
  10. I used to think my raider had a broken one until I saw someone elses
  11. Qlimax, where did you get that stock please mate?
  12. Me and my mates have just formed a "team".. We just had some patches made up and will use our nicknames as call signs, but generally like everyone said, just turn up and play. You can be as informal or as organised as you want... We dont have roles or matching kit or a uniform, we dont even all play together at the same time. The only time a proper team needs to be training, uniform and have roles etc is if you want to enter competitions and such...
  13. Good advice, thanks so far.. I have compared with other guns in my team and and I seem to have the worst range out of a Andy Mcnab branded M4 thingy, a Ak47, a Raider with a longer barrel (no surprise) and a TM M4 (again no surprise). I tend to use .25s but will keep at it for a while (dont have funds right now anyway hehe) Its not a major issue as I like to be a sneaky green ninja so dont need super range.. I also realised I cant always hit what I can see which is frustrating coming from indoors to outdoor play. But would like to try to squeeze a bit more range from it if poss so any suggestions would be great.
  14. Ok, so I started playing Airsoft around 6 months or so ago and have properly caught the bug, I have a decent CQB set up and just put the last touches to my outdoor setup. BUT As I started playing indoors a lot, Bunker 51, The Mall & Epsom Tunnels. I got used to short range firefights and (being able to) hitting pretty much anything I could see (in theory). So range was never an issue unless I was trying to snipe down the main corridor at the Mall which in my mind is only good for suppressing fire and im much to sneaky to stand there trying to keep peoples heads down... anyway.... My Combat Raider has been perfect inside, but I have found a new love for woodland play and really want to continue. my Raider has had a ProAirsoft speed upgrade which tinkered with gearbox n has made a great difference. But I would ideally like more range.... I feel (I may be wrong however) that I am out ranged by better guns (I know my starting platform is just that, a starters gun). And to be fair I have the shorter barrel version as it was mostly for indoors. So: A) Should I put it in the shop for more tinkering and magic? Attempt to upgrade some parts myself C) Bite the bullet and by a different gun purely for outdoors, if so can anyone recommend a decent M4 for around the 300 quid mark which will run perfectly out of the box for a few months before potential upgrades , and will be able to take stock parts for easy tinkering!! Bare in mind it will pretty much only run outdoors, and I would like RANGE..
  15. As a noob I used to do this... Much wiser now, in fact it pisses me off. Generally acting / looking like your still in when dead get on my nerves. I am in the habit now of single shot a few times then a full auto blast on someone if i am unsure if they are in, or seem not to be dead (such as talking)..... Much more confident as a player now, to challenge being told to fuck off etc, by responding "if your dead, act like it" if I dont see a hand in the air and calls of "dead man or Hit" etc then you will get a shot or two to remind you to act it...
  16. Non touching barge poles etc.... No place for this attitude nowadays! if you do encounter this with certain sites, then name and shame please... I for one will avoid this kind of site for this behavior!
  17. Everything i was going to say after reading your question has already been said. But i would totally expect any site to be inclusive and make allowances just as long as they had time to be informed of any requirements (such as the wheelchair at the mall for example). And as a player i would be very happy to play alongside or against anyone of any ability.. So bring him along im sure he will enjoy himself!!
  18. Avoid... Like the advice says, better off buying new..
  19. Just bagged a space wolves one... It looks like our little group of mates are forming a team and shall be using dogs of war and cerberus as our inspiration so fits in nicely
  20. Hmm will hopefully attend with my lil team, looks/sounds good!!
  21. Looking for a new bag and the student loan just came through again so am looking to splash the cash as my current bag is rubbish... Do you think the side bit will hold an MP5K?
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