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  • Guns
    G&P M14
    TM 5.1 Hi-Capa
    Systema PTW
    Krytac SPR
  • Loadouts
    British DPM
  • Sites
    Black OPs Cribbs / Portishead
    Spartan Airsoft
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  1. Only ordered it yesterday, I'll let you know when it arrives - Ant
  2. Picked up a Polarstar Jack complete HPA set up from Beesting - Ant
  3. I got the A1 because it was listed as the balence motor, I'll recheck when I get a chance. - Ant
  4. Can confirm, my gun died on me today. Gearbox fully locked up towards the end of the day, havnt had a chance to take it apart and inspect the damage yet. For those wondering I put a Lonex A1 Titan motor into a Krytac SPR because the 20k motor was getting very hot during semi fire. I run an 11.1c 20c Lipo. I think I'll grab one of those AB mosfets haha. - Ant
  5. Thats okay, just means I'll finally have a use for this pistol Thanks! - Ant
  6. Quick question, my AEG is overspinning (2 shots when using semi), can I skirmish this or will it cause internal problems? - Ant
  7. Skirmished my new Krytac today, my motor was fine unless I pumped multiple semi shots in a row, in which case it got quite warm. But that was more my fault for not using the full auto. Paired with some Lonex flash mags it did some damage today haha. Very happy with the purchase. - Ant
  8. Just ordered a Krytac SPR from Land Warrior and a couple of Lonex Flash Mags All aboard the hype train! - Ant
  9. Just got back from my first NAE, was pretty awesome :D going again for sure

  10. My Team Patch Drawn / Designed by one of our own.
  11. Just ordered a TM 5.1 HiCapa First pistol and first gas gun - Ant
  12. I'm looking to buy new hop parts at the same time complete over haul. What brand would you recommend then? Orga? Only looked at madbull as I was told they're a good bang for buck purchase - Ant
  13. Which is better? The Madbull Black Python - http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/parts-c8/internal-parts-c98/madbull-madbull-ver-2-black-python-tight-bore-barrel-509mm-aeg-p3792 or The Madbull Steel Bull - http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/parts-c8/internal-parts-c98/madbull-steel-bull-6-03mm-tight-bore-barrel-stainless-steel-455mm-p3485 I'm getting the 509mm if it makes a difference. Thanks - Ant
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