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Josh95 last won the day on November 22 2015

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    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rock-climby-Dave


      It's entirely justified and that many shots isn't 'overkill'.

      From start to finish:

      They didn't arrest him in the building as that often causes an escalation, so they move him outside. This decreases casualties if SHTF.

      He pulls -without warning- a gun shaped object. All gun shaped objects ARE guns and ALL GUNS ARE ALWAYS LOADED.

      So in this split second he has drawn a loaded gun without provocation or being told or allowed to.

      This escalates the si...

    3. Hibernator


      He pulled a gun on armed police. They aren't going to wait around and let him shoot at them in order to find out if it's real or not. As for the number of shots, it's a case of making sure he's no longer a threat to their lives. They aren't going to politely shoot him in the foot and wait to see if he drops the gun or fires back. They shoot until he is no longer a threat to their own lives, as well as those of bystanders - a crowded restaurant by the looks of it.

    4. two_zero


      There was NO OVERVOILENCE WHAT SO EVER in this video (except possibly from the suspect).


      If someone pulls a gun on you, there's no time to mess around with a taser, and in any case, what if they first and only shot would have missed? Shot too many times? I think not!! Once he stopped moving he stopped shooting. The not firing the gun here is a much higher priority than the suspects life.


      Also, if you (an adult) brandish something that *clearly* resembles a gu...

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