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Everything posted by ronin677

  1. Going back to my old US Vietnam era loadout
  2. Hi guy & gals I need to rewire my G&G GR16 and wondered if anyone knew of any tutorials on this subject? My batteries sit in the foregrips and the wiring running through the body to the front is shocking. I want to rewire it from the gearbox right the way through. any help would be really appreciated thanks Jon
  3. If your Sear is broken, I highly recommend this http://airsoftpro.cz/eshop/product_info.php?cPath=93_204&products_id=821 however it sounds to me like RR01 said, that you have disengaged the trigger from the sear instead. These rifles are incredibly easy to strip so you shouldn't have too many problems
  4. Not sure :/ but can't tighten with anything I've got
  5. Hi guys and gals, Just wondered if anyone knew how to tighten the front sight on an Army R85? There appears to be 2 x allen screws recessed into it but none of my allen keys fit, so I'm wondering if they are indeed screws or not. any advice?
  6. My old scope was x6 so I think it will be fine. I tend to play a sniper role so it will aid me rather than hinder hopefully lol
  7. Well boys & girls, I finally sourced one and it arrived today. Say hello to my PO6x36 scope
  8. So previously I had stained the wooden furniture on my SVD but never really took to it. Today I sanded it back and treated it with a mix of 50% linseed oil and 50% turpentine. The wood soaked up a couple of coats and it is now starting to look sweet, just like real steel wooden furniture. It feels gorgeous as well
  9. I use one as a side arm for my sniper role, as there is a 20m range limit on my site for bolt action rifles. my 18c is reliable, and certainly does the job that I employ it to do. Full auto and semi
  10. Not airsoft related but real steel instead. On exercise with a new 2nd Lt and he decided to name two of our checkpoints as 'charlie' and 'charlie charlie'. Needless to say there was a lot of confusion and in the end a lot of swearing haha He also got our section lost and then turned to me and said "so Corporal, how did WE end up in this mess?" . Royal WE is that Sir?
  11. just realised though, JNA MOL rock really does make my bum look big hahahaha
  12. Cover came from Ebay for about £10 The SVD chest rig http://www.soviet-propaganda.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=496
  13. I'm wearing black combat Lowa boots - had them for ages and so comfortable. The helmet came without the cover. I already had the cover to match my SVD rig
  14. Ok so your standard L85A2 has a gas plug, a gas cylinder and a gas piston. The gas plug slots through the foresight (as its airsoft I doubt the orientation will matter as there is no actual gas port). The gas cylinder slots over the protruding end of the gas plug and the gas piston slots into a receiving hole at the breech end and then slots into the gas cylinder. I'll try to take some photo's next time I am at TAC
  15. At the moment my secondary is a .... glock lol When I can justify another weapon I'll buy something russian haha
  16. lol I might just do that but still not sure if I could get it through customs
  17. Hi all, Just wondered if anyone could advise me on a problem I have at the moment. I am after A IOR Tip 2 scope (see attached photo). Now, these are very numerous in Romania and I could pick one up for about £80, but and this is the big problem, most people will not try to send these scopes from Romania as the scopes are usually confiscated by the Romanian customs. They get twitchy about military grade stuff leaving the country, which I guess I can understand. So my question is how do I get one? any ideas?
  18. The scope is a 6x40 (don't know the make but its clear & sharp). I'll replace the scope soon but with a IOR Tip 2 if I can get one. I know its not usual for a Dragunov but hey, as you say its just a toy gun lol Not sure about the 6B27 helmet but I like it and I'm sure where in the world today someone is still using JNA Mol with modern helmets
  19. I'm starting to get into Russian kit now and I have just managed to put this together. Its a 1990's JNA MOL rock over suit with a Chameleon SVD chest rig. The helmet is slightly too modern for the JNA but I'm sure the two have been used together during some theatre in the world. Anyways here we are
  20. haha I originally come from Norwich and this made me laugh. The Taxi driver made me chuckle. Hmmmm a guy in camo, carrying a rifle. Do i phone 999 or video him hahahahaha
  21. Hi Guys I have the chance to buy this Madbull Lancer receiver V2. I have a G&G GR16 with a poly body and I want a metal body. My GR16 has blow back. I don't think the Lancer has blow back capabilities. Firstly can I swap this receiver for mine and if not can I modify anything to make this fit?
  22. I used spare madbull buckings I had in my tool kit. As for range I wouldn't say it makes much difference but accuracy is defo better. Before I'd say that 7/10 rounds would find their target at 35m (coke can size target), but now its 9/10 verging on 10/10 finding their target.
  23. Hi guys and gals just thought I'd share this with you all. So this weekend I installed in my A&K SVD a G hop modification. Its basically the same as your standard R Hop but using an old hop bucking to create the patch. Well I can say I'm impressed. It hasn't increased my range that much but my accuracy has gone through the roof. I am hitting consistently a coke can sized target at 40m every single time. My overall effective range for a man size target with my SVD is approx 70-80m here is the link that I followed on youtube.
  24. Hi Guys and Gals, Not sure if this is allowed but as its for our safety I'd thought I'd post it. As we all know the biggest health and safety in airsoft is eye protection and I've always found that ESS Ice glasses are pretty good. Anyways found this on ebay and its a real bargain so I thought I'd share. [Sorry they went just like that ] cheers jon
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