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Posts posted by DEDSEC

  1. The Scar-L(ight) real steel variant fires the 5.56x45 NATO round whereas the Scar-H(eavy) fires the 7.62x51 round. No relevance at all in airsoft really asides from the Scar-H doesn't take your common STANAG (M16/ M4) magazine.


    In my opinion the Scar-H is visually more appealing and is good for a DMR loadout.

  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understood a 'license' isn't required to manufacture a RIF, purely a valid defence such as a site membership? Is that what you meant by license?

    From what i know its 100% okay to replace IF parts for a skirmish, i could be wrong here but i believe it is also allowed to manufacture one if i can prove i skirmish with it (photos etc.)

    By licence I meant a defence, site membership, UKARA, whatever you want to refer to as a right to own and be in possession of a RIF. It just doesn't seem right for someone under 18 to own and be running around with a black gun.

  3. Just to help tidy it up a little..


    "First impressions

    The first thing i noticed about this rifle when i picked it up is how god-damn heavy it is! The receiver and stock are metal whereas the whole forward assembly are metal."


    I believe you mean the receiver and stock are plastic?


    Other than that a very nice review. Can't stand that blue though so maybe once you get a UKARA black it up?

  4. Ah right ok, thanks. I have recently given up on plate carriers (within the last hour) way too expensive, a chest rig or chest rig with an admin pouch would do the job.

    To be honest looks aren't of biggest concern but then again I think I'd look damn good in one ;)

    Anyway thanks you've given me some ideas!

    Anytime mate. Alternately if you have any family in/ or have previously been in the armed forces you could talk to them?


    I gave most of my old gear to my brother and he's used it ever since.

  5. Example,




    I got this for my son who is still a little too small for it but it does the job. Plenty of pouches for magazines and extra ammo. Even has velcro for patches etc. He uses camping mats cut up to fit and act as a ballistic plate. Gives it some rigidity.


    Strong yet cheap.

  6. Thanks, yawns, it is a great help.

    Some of the retailers I looked at haven't got the fps posted but, since I posted, I found a few that did and it seemed to quote around 328. And I looked at g&g site itself. They quote the irish fps ( I assume thats close to the uk one) at 328.

    Should be ok. I fink.

    ......but now I've seen an ics mp5 sportline

    ......or an asg m14

    .......or a cm 16 mod0



    NO stop it! I want an AK

    .........or do I?

    You need to consider that an AK may look cool but is one of the least versatile weapon systems around. No rails unless you either buy a separate rail or railed handguard, or an AK with a rail system already on it.


    Iron sights are awful as well as sight picture as the rear sight is so close to the front sight. However! They do have a large magazine and a long barrel though.

  7. So LiPo are smaller batteries with a big output?

    Don't buy nimh anymore. Lipo is better in every aspect. Size, capacity, discharge rate, price.

    Very true, a 7.4v LiPo should be safe to use on 90% of electric airsoft guns. They're considerably smaller than a NiMh yet have more power and a larger discharge rate meaning you get a nicer trigger response and faster rate of fire.


    So go with what Samurai said and just get yourself a 7.4v LiPo or if your gun can handle it, an 11.1v.

  8. I'm absolutely besotted with zombies too mate. I'll happily play a zombie. My son is the same so if you need a child zombie I'm sure he'd jump at the chance.

    Mine too haha. If you're around the north of Scotland anytime soon feel free to pop round and maybe we could shoot some zombies scenes? Kids would really like that.

  9. Hi Mate.


    Last year, I went to Birmingham Zombie Walk. It was fundraising for B'ham Children's Hospital, and had professional make-up artists on-site giving people the basic walker look for £5, or a more complex job for £30. 1st attached pic is the £30 job the guy did on me.


    The reason I raise this, is that such an event (and they happen all over) might facilitate what you want to do yourself? You'd have ready and waiting affordable make-up artists in the AM, plus the rest of the day to shoot. And if you stick around, you'd have not only potentially hundreds of extras also all Zombied-up, but the urban sprawl available in a way it might not normally be.


    What I mean by that is that the local authorities and community should be less alarmed/troubled by you shooting your stuff if it is around such a high-profile properly organised and authorized event such as a Zombie Walk. *I should stress that I am not advocating breaking any laws, nor local ordinances. However, I think it is fair to say that Steve Shopkeeper and Polly PCSO will be more likely to think of you and your mate shooting as nuisance and problem to be shut down if you're on your own, than if you're not too far from such an organised event.


    And in terms of post-apocalyptic style, the 2nd attached pic is how I (like to think I'd) roll...


    That's really good that you did that for charity as well. Sounds a lot of fun I might take you up on that. As far as authorities, I live way out in the countryside so it's not a so much of a big deal.


    Me and my son have been thinking about this zombie short for quite awhile now. Thanks for the tips and info!

  10. Hello all,


    As some may know but many don't, I have a HUGE zombie obsession. I grew up watching Zombie Flesh Eaters, the original Day of the Dead, and the original Dawn of the Dead and more on VHS.


    I'm thinking about doing a zombie apocalypse short movie/ teaser I guess you could say. No action as I highly doubt I could get anyone to play a zombie and even if I could we couldn't do anything near to a decent looking zombie.


    So I was thinking I could maybe tie together some "zombie outbreak broadcasts from various films and get some scenes from somewhere along with some I've made myself?


    Any thoughts or suggestions on anything I should add, software I should use? Also, what kind of gear would a post apocalyptic survivor be wearing to you?



  11. Everything is relevant :D


    It's nice to speak and be in a forum with all you other ex-military folks. I love hearing other soldiers experiences. Really nice to see you all made it home safely and still speak about those sometimes tough times. I lost only one brave man that I was close with. However I recall times that I've seen those wounded, seen fellow soldiers literally break down into tears at a loss.


    To you, and all those who served, you're a brave and wonderful human and well done.


    It's cheesy to say this but you were all fighting beside me. I thank you and appreciate your contribution and bravery and above all returning safely to your friends and families.

  12. 'Don't mind people calling me by my actual name at all.

    And yeah, it's the sport its' self I'm new to, not the guns.


    I have been looking at the Tokyo Marui's for a little bit as well, for pistols atleast, but sadly the site that I'm planning on playing at dissallow Co2 guns.

    And I personally dislike the sound most of AEGs make, though there's always the odd ones that sound really nice.


    And thanks for the advice!

    The more expensive AEG's have better motors making them turn the gears faster which should make them sound better for you. If you feel it's still to whiny then maybe buy a High Torque motor and a LiPo. Most expensive guns again, are LiPo ready.


    An AEG is the best way to go though. Plenty of ammo, so long as there is a charge in the battery and nothing internally is broken it should work.


    However, it all falls back to your play style. You might want to be sneaky and quiet? Get up close and personal? Support your team? Whatever you choose make sure it fits how you enjoy playing. No point using a light support gun if you want to get up close and personal as they're too long and weighty to be able to effectively manoeuvre the weapon.

  13. Personal preference really for me, and it's not my first gun, I've had ones before now.And yeah, I was aware that people advise against it.And modding my guns also isn't new to me, nor the metal spinning crackpot I call my father.And when I can, I will get me a AEG.

    Yeah, agreed with Ed. Bolt actions are very satisfying but you won't be able to consistently get kills with a stock rifle.

    Don't let it put you off them, but I'd recommend an AEG to start off with and a sniper later as a project gun you can upgrade over time.

    I'm actually buying a JG BAR-10 in a couple days or so but I will be using it more for plinking at first before I upgrade it enough for a skirmish.

    There are a load of very useful guides on starting airsoft and beginner guns you may want to take a look at. CKinnerly has a video on why you shouldn't start off with a sniper for your first gun on his YouTube channel as well (REMF Tacticool)

    Welcome to the forums :)

    Don't think he's really after a "beginner" gun as they're called. Really they're just economic choices for those without deep pockets. Yeah they're good for a first gun but as Connor (if you don't mind me calling you by your real name) said he's had guns before.


    Don't think he needs the guides for beginners either he seems to know what he's doing as far as what he's intregied about airsoft for. What I suggest you do is what many of my friends from back in the army did and just go straight into the professional/ expensive guns. Saves you money on buying a hunk of junk and it not working very well and getting thrashed in skirmishes.


    Maybe work with your dad to fund something just right. Won't break the bank but won't make you regret it two weeks of using it. As Ed said, "snipers" are a pain in the ass really. You think they'd be the best on the field, getting all the kills and shooting a thousand metres to headshot a marshal by mistake killing him but they're not. They require time and a lot of money. Plus you tend to struggle with engagement distances and relying on a pistol or backup.


    Best get an AEG as Ed said again, a good one. Not some £60 thing but something up in the two hundreds plus if your budget can push that far. Also go for good brands like G&P, G&G, Tokyo Marui, ICS, Ares, and King Arms etc. Try to avoid JG, Double Eagle, and A.G.M.


    Something on the pricey side will be a much better option and they tend to be designed to be easily upgradable for future needs.

  14. Love this guide, should be helpful to those starting a WW2 loadout before they make the biggest historical error.


    Typically, I see this a lot on YouTube (usually Americans playing the Nazi Germany role). A player says "righto, WW2 Nazi Germany infantry loadout". They get all the gear right, look like proper true to the real deal, then ruin it by using an MP-40..


    Unlike the movies when everybody and their mothers are using an MP-40 that's not historically accurate as it was only issued to high ranking officers and paratroopers. Most Germans had the Karabiner 98 and would forum a nine man rifle squad one of which would be using an MG-34.


    So a very good guide. I hope people will follow this if they're thinking about the WW2 road. Well done.

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