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team flex

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Everything posted by team flex

  1. how were JD airsoft in sorting them out? I really want this gun, but it seems they are heavily unrealible
  2. WOW
    1. Monty


      Some of the comments on there make me cringe.

    2. team flex

      team flex

      ik :P 1 comment: my dream airsoft gun is a sawed off shotgun

      nothing more


    3. TacMaster


      They exist- the Haw San model is pretty solid apart from the shells being bad. I believe with a couple of mods to them they can be improved though

  3. found a video on the ctw, and apparently the accuracy is incredible. I'm guessing celsius isn't a very big company? whats the difference between systema ptw and celsius ptw, and overall does the tier 3 look like it would be worth it over the scar H. I don't mind maintenance and don't worry about "If I have to send it back", thats fine with me. EDIT: also, I don't mind if it is that realistic, doesn't add much to the skirmishing value apart from bragging before or after, which isn't something I would be looking to do.
  4. ^^ I agree with the above. Last thing we want is trouble brewing because RIF'S have not been secure and have been stolen and now people are using them in public etc, which could cause havoc in terms of the community and what people think of us. That brings me a long to the stereotype which I also hate, and I think it brings the whole sport down. Its a shame because lots of people would actually love it if they got involved but they have been told some bs about and don't want to try it...
  5. yeah, is JD airsoft a good site in terms of dealing with problems and not being lazy.
  6. this what worries me. When you say a bad one, what does this exactly mean, and how bad do they get?
  7. Never heard of this until yesterday, and now really liking it. http://www.s-t-t-s.com/s-t-t-s-weapon-packages/25-s-t-t-s-tier-3-package.html#!prettyPhoto Is this in anyway better than the TM scar H. I like the look of it, but I wouldn't be getting it for some time, so I was wondering if people could help me identify why it is so much. also: thoughts on this http://www.s-t-t-s.com/home/15-celcius-dtw-m4-cqb-training-weapon.html#!prettyPhoto thanks for helping the noob out (sorry for all threads)
  8. yeah, I have selfish uncles. he is absolutely loaded, 4 mansions etc and nice cars. Anyway, when my dad lost his job, and he was struggling to pay for school, my uncle (call him james not his name), james allowed us to stay at his chalet. This is a 15 bedroom skiing chalet and they don't come cheap. The rent would normally be £2000 or something a week, but we apparently got the "family deal" (free) Anway, after that, we come back to find out his bonus wasn't as big as he was hoping, still xmillion quid however, so he decides to take it out on my family and next thing you know we are having to pay up or he will "take us to court". It has been sorted but seriously, how sad can it get??
  9. exactly this. I was in the same position and the only thing I would change would be that I would have bought the short version. very good gun and people who have G&P upgraded m4s at the site I go to are amazed at how well it shoots.
  10. thats a bit harsh, I think he was trying to say maybe he wasn't getting the aim, or maybe the accuracy/hop up whatever wasn't set up properly. No need to go round picking bones with people...
  11. thats interesting. You thought they wouldn't have made it look like it was edited on paint
  12. gun: G&G cm16 carbine short. from zero one they offer an ok paintjob for free which does start coming off, but as it will be your first gun I wouldn't worry about that too much. Short because it is much easier to use imo than the long, I have one and I knock it on trees all the time (could just be me) Battery: http://www.componentshop.co.uk/7-4v-2600mah-cranestock-battery.html lasts me 10000+ shots and is very good power. charger: http://www.componentshop.co.uk/accucel-6-digital-charger-3282.html You can get it without the connector to the 3 pin wall socket for £10 cheaper, and I can send pictures so you can check if you have one already. Very nice charger, and apparently it is a clone of the Imax b6 but if you're looking to spend minimal postage then get them both from the same website. Its is perfect, easy to use and charges very quickly.
  13. I use this battery:http://www.componentshop.co.uk/7-4v-2600mah-cranestock-battery.html I can get up to 10000 shot and used about 3k bbs in a skirmish and when I got back it was at 7.75v - max being 8.4v I also bought this charger: http://www.componentshop.co.uk/accucel-6-digital-charger-3282.html but if you think its pricey you can get it £10 cheaper without the connecter to a 3 pin, if you need pics I can show you the connector used. I heard it is a clone of the imax but if you want to buy everything from 1 store it would be great to get and does a great job. My gun is powered very nicely by the battery and the charger doesn't take very long to charge.... feel free to pm me if you have any questions about it.
  14. What about a TM fn 5-7? They seem nice and aren't that common?. I think TM are one of the best pistol makes by the way.
  15. what would be a suitable motor upgrade for a G&G cm16. My mate wants to know, and I don't have much knowledge in the subject and thought I would post on here. He would spend and extra 30-60 quid for it, and what would it do to the gearbox, could it handle it? thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      wait, would a steel tooth piston benefit with 13:1 gears and high torque motor? Would a standard poly piston die?

    3. CaptainDumbass


      poly piston & steel teeth, then swiss cheese it

    4. team flex

      team flex

      hmmm I imagine he will wait a few months before he gets involved with all of that

  16. ok thanks for the help. As I said it won't be for some time, and I will learn a lot more with the many skirmishes to come.
  17. agree with lego jon there. I played my first skirmish yesterday, and a lot of the time I was thinking an acog would help so much, it was quite hard to see through the woodland but light was good. I was thinking of saving up for a TM scar H (wouldn't be for a long time and I can always change my mind as I get more experience) would it be worth it for that gun?
  18. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=prepare+for+the+storm+meme&tbm=isch&ei=60OwU9q3EMj6PM2bgMAO#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=sEbVmUyBbOBEvM%253A%3Balhy0womCwgYpM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcdn.memegenerator.net%252Finstances%252F500x%252F46853219.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fmemegenerator.net%252Finstance%252F46853219%3B500%3B375
  19. actually, would that be better or just using this http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/Eotech-Flip-to-Side-Magnifier-CL1_0002.html and flip the sight over if you come into close range combat?
  20. I have A few questions about acogs. I saw this acog and decided I really liked it, and after skirmishing when I upgrade I think I might get one. http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/4x32-ACOG-With-Doctor-Sight-CL1_0159BK.html 1.I was wondering, how does it work with the fibres, and how easy are the to maintain? 2. How useful is 4x magnifier on the field, and how much does the height of the eotech on the top effect shooting and accuracy? 3. How hard is it to zero it in, and what do you have to do. 4. Who exactly makes this, and I'm guessing its a clone, so why is it so much money. 5. Is the build quality good? 6. How easy is it to break? do proairsoftsupplies mess you around with the warranty. 7. I believe the green fibre version is £30 more expensive, does green make a difference over red, or is it just personal preference? Sorry for so many questions, and thanks for the replies/help/kindness Flex
  21. no i meant if his dad still owned it, but if he allowed him to use it for skirmish etc, but his dad still owned it. That is allowed.
  22. yeah. He would still be allowed to use it for skirmishing and pretty much everything is his dad "owned it" though... (i believe that is true isn't it?
  23. this, best gun for budget airsofters, like me. Welcome to the forums
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