UKARA simply put is a list of known registered skirmishers in the country. A UKARA membership serves as a defense against the VCRA, an act that effectively bans RIFs(non two tones) However, as you have a defense(your UKARA) you can manufacture,purchase and import one. You get your UKARA by attending a site that is registered and going to three games in no less than three months. Basically for the first games you should rent a gun and try it out and then purchase once you have UKARA
Read these for a bit more: - provides link to VCRA
Aside from that - welcome to the sport and forum. Whats your budget? Usually we recommend G&G combat machines, cyma AKs and JG g36s all about £100-150. youll need mags,batteries,charger,eyepro,and boots as well though