Sorry came across slightly wrong as the above poster alludes. Not all Civvies are 'mongs' just to clarify! I am referring to those people running around all badged up to the nines with various insignia that they haven't' earned.
Mack - Sure, most cap badges/insignia/rank that Joe Public are aware of take a lot of training to earn and therefore it irks me greatly that people think they they can just slap it on.
Also, technically the Uniforms Act is still in force so wearing uniform you are not entitled to is a criminal offence, but obviously not enforced.
SamG - That's precisely the sort of thing I am on about I am afraid. As an ACF instructor fine, wear it then but once you are out, no. You may have been badged PWRR but never completed basic Infantry training or served with the Regt proper, therefore I don't believe you should wear it.
But as with anything opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
Back to the topic and I will shut up.