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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Styer AUG v5 Sniper
    9mm Beretta blowback
  • Loadouts
  • Sites
    Ironsight Andover. Anywhere in Hampshire
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Boxing, Military history, women, lager, life, Adventure!

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  1. came home pissed last night with a coupla mates...Do a bottle of Jack, let my mate plink some rounds with my Berreta, he puts a round into my t.v. D'OH!

    1. Hibernator


      Yeah - we shot out a few light bulbs and mirrors in our drunken student days - luckily nothing like a TV!

    2. Finius


      S'what you get for mucking about with your guns drunk.

  2. Good point mate. I'm first aid trained but never even thought about carrying on my person, which i do when doing other physical activities (Kyaking/mountain climbing etc.). I guess I subconciously trust the marshalls to be switched on an trained and to be fair, I've only seen one incident that needed medical attention. I may put my firt aid kit in my kit bag in the safe zone from now on. Good post!!
  3. HAHAHAHA! F*ckin love that mate! ;op
  4. Good effort for posting there mate, I posted a question there about what their views are on the Community Covenant and all I got was paranoid responses claiming that I was the Press! A lot of folks on there are sound but I guess a few of those guys think of themselves as bodybuilders and you just asked if they like doin aerobics! ;op
  5. Reaquainting myself with my RiFs before tomorrow's games after a 2 month lay off!

    1. DX115FALCON


      Same here. But with IFs. *grumble f*cking law grumble grumble*

    2. Moose87


      me to after like 1 year of not playing


  6. Hi guys, just seen this thread. Am up for a meet. My rif comes in at around 345 though. That gonna be an issue? :-/
  7. Hello mate, I'm from Winchester and go to Ironsight in Andover, it's a good site with a real nice bunch who run it. Granted it's the other end of the County but definitely worth a look.
  8. Sunday at Ironsight Andover...first time with my own, first RiIFs, excited much!!

  9. Just lettin the dude know. Reminded me of the video someone put up here of the lad walking down the street with a rif in hiswaistband. People do the funniest things! But I guess Russia's far enough away
  10. Impersonating a Police Officer can bring you up to 2 years in Her Majestys Pleasure, so be a bit savvy with it
  11. Is it NOT recommended to re-use bbs after plinking into soft targets in my living room?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      No don't bother man.

    3. two_zero


      only if you think saving 0,0001p on reusing a bb is worth potentially ruining your aeg.


      I do reuse them for springers, shotguns, mines and moscarts thou. dont shoot any reused outdoors at anyone thou, as there might be grit on them

    4. Dutch


      Copy that, cheers for the comments

  12. Told you it was a noooob question! Cheers guys
  13. Hi folks, So some of you would of noticed I've just bought my first ever airsoft Rifle (AUG v5, the one with the Barratt 50 cal barrel) and just wanted to ask around here about general cleaning/maintenance advice before I start trolling the web. It came with a cleaining rod and used to doing stuff like that. It's the cleaning of the internals etc that I'm not sure on. Do I use something like wd40 to keep the parts lubed up or do I use something else? And how often should I clean it? Sorry for the noob questions...BUT I'M A NOOB!! Cheers Dutch
  14. Anyone know of a UK company that stocks Aug magazines? Looking for a box of 4 mid caps preferrably. Cheers

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Russe11


      King arms mags vary. Their MP5 mags for example are excellent, their Sten mags are a PITA.


    3. jay83


      not sure your on facebook, but i get alot of gear from him, his cheapest about and very nice bloke.





      Seen those mags being sold.


      Hope that helps

    4. Dutch


      Cheers for the link Jay, I rang Kings Arms today and even though the internet said they had some in stock, they actually don't/ I'm finding that out more and more lately...Now I know why people say getting parts for Augs are a right PITA!


  15. Aug v5 Sniper, bought! Couldn't be arsed with ordering so drove up to get it. Well chuffed!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Dutch


      I'll be the first to admit, it is a LITTLE over the top, but it made me laugh so thought feck it, I'm getting it!

    3. TacMaster


      I'd get it for the sole purpose of trolling everyone I killed with it :D

    4. two_zero


      didn't notice the flashhider.... wow.. ^^

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