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Everything posted by Hav0c

  1. Wanting to put together a LRRP type impression from the Vietnam War era and I have the webbing & boots. However, I'm uncertain which pattern uniform to go for. Should I go with plain OG Trpicals, ERDL or Tiger Stripe - or possible even mix 2 together like some LRRP's did? Also, would it be wise to get a helmet or go with just a plain old boonie in either ERDL or TS? Finally, which weapon should I pledge allegiance to? M16, XM177e2 or CAR-15 (I know CAR's were rare but they were still used) Thanks a bunch for any input at all.
  2. Anyone know where I can come across a set of 'Nam webbing? Preferably one that I wouldn't have to take a Mortgage out on lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hav0c


      Thanks! Found some ALICE webbing on SoF

    3. Russe11


      There may be cheaper options. SOF is usually my fallback option for WW2 stuff as they tend to be more expensive.


    4. alwaysontheoffensive


      if you want 'Nam webbing, then YOU HAD TO BE THERE MANNN!!!

  3. Having problems with my xbox! I want to play Minecraft but when i go to download the 80mb update, it stalls and doesnt work. I've checked my memory space and my download speed seems fine. Does anyone know what might be up? The same is also happening with GTA V.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. cropzy


      Whats wrong with it, maybe I could help you out, computers are my forte and do you know CCL computers?

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      TBH it's to do with software and it should be a really easy fix. It's just I'm a bit reluctant because basically you have to edit the directory and if you do it wrong then the OS could be f*cked. It's a User Data Profile Error. There are supposed to be two of these files according to Microsoft Support but there are three instead. I might make a thread (in the unrelated section of course) so I can explain it better. No, I don't think I've heard of CCL Computers.

    4. cropzy


      Send me a PM about it man, I will see if I can help.

  4. Taiwan Gun are based in Poland so they can use EU couriers which results in no import duty on your purchase or having it get stuck at HMRC. Thanks anyway lads, I'll give the bay a browse.
  5. Just a quick thread to chuck it out there and ask if anyone on these forums has bought/used the batteries that Taiwan Gun sell? If so, what is your experience with them and what is the quality of them like? Most likely going to be placing an order soon and just wanted to know in advance. Cheers guys.
  6. We played a game at my local site which went down a treat for all, Snipers and Infantry. Basically, the marshal's take all players who have proper Sniper Rifle's and DMR's and brand them as a neutral team. Then the two normals are given a game brief - We played a base to base game with each team having a mobile spawn flag. Then, the two regular teams fight out said game, but, they also have another objective which was to hunt and eliminate all the players using Sniper Rifles/DMRs. However, the Sniper's have unlimited lives, via a 10 second shoulder tag which would medic them back in to the game to the shoulder, which can be administered by any other player who is in the Sniper role. Also though, if a sniper is shot by a member of either regular team, and they are tagged by say, a Red player, that sniper is from then on out a member of whichever team they are medic'd back in by. and this goes for any other time a SNIPER is hit and tagged back in (If hit by Blue and tagged back by Blue, sniper is now Blue - Same goes for if Sniper is hit by another Sniper and tagged back in by Sniper) Hope this helped.
  7. Morning all, Over the past week I've watched both the original and remake of the move Red Dawn - not for the first time - and this gave me a notion that it would look pretty tacti-cool to have a 'Wolverine's' rebel loadout. But I wouldn't know where to start, mainly with the gun. Would you use an AK47 or AK74 (the Russians can be seen using AK74's in the '84 original, but I can't remember if the Wolverines use them)? Or would you go for the more modern AK105 like in the 2012 remake? I reckoned that it would be easy enough to get the actual clothing which I would assume was just a quick Google or eBay away.
  8. Seeing Beady Eye tomorrow! But really wish I could get a ticket for The Stone Roses on Saturday!

  9. New 5.11 boots in coyote, and a SR-25 tomorrow
  10. Just bought a lovely pair of 5.11 ATAC Boots in Coyote Brown. Will add a wee piccy when they come!
  11. That still looks the part! Its very similar to what I'm going for except I have tan boots and a shamagh. Thanks for your reply though, it was much appreciated.
  12. http://www.uktactical.com/acatalog/Warrior_Centurion_Combo_MK_1.html now this would be perfect for my loadout, can hold a lot of mags, space for dump pouch on the back, can stick a 90 degrees holster on the front and has space for hydration. BUT. its out of stock and I have no clue when it will be back in.
  13. *UPDATE* I will most likely buy an AR platform gun, so I was wondering if any of you guys could help me with a either a low profile plate carrier or chest rig to buy for a fairly decent price. I'm looking for something in a Tan/Coyote Brown.
  14. I've been looking through this website a fair bit today but they dont have the things that I really like . they do not have the chest rig, boots and trousers
  15. would 5.11 ATAC 8" boots in tan, khaki craghopper trousers, helikon patriot fleece in black, condor tactical cap and shamagh, warrior elite ops chest rig and a beta project tactical AK
  16. Hey guys, was just wondering if any of you guys run a PMC loadout or have any advice on what kind of kit to have for a PMC loadout. I've seen a few pictures on Google but I don't really know what brand of gear to buy (Tac boots, chest rig/plate carrier etc), so if any of you guys have any advice or any specific pieces of kit to buy, even a gun, would be great.
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