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Zak Da Mack

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Status Replies posted by Zak Da Mack

  1. Hello im a airsofter from the UK and i have a newly created youtube account which ill will be doing gameplays of airsoft and y will maybe start to do re-views once i get more popular. My youtube is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcX14IJg0aCB8vy7rK7uUkA be sure to like and subscribe.

  2. £600 pound at Dentist or Buy more Airsoft Stuff???? I'LL LET THIS FORUM DECIDE FOR ME????????

  3. I'm officially a Uni drop out, signed the papers this morning. Feel much better now. Just have to find something to do...

  4. £600 pound at Dentist or Buy more Airsoft Stuff???? I'LL LET THIS FORUM DECIDE FOR ME????????

  5. £600 pound at Dentist or Buy more Airsoft Stuff???? I'LL LET THIS FORUM DECIDE FOR ME????????

  6. Are there any particular form of insignificant species of avid female airsofters on this forum at all?

  7. how do you make your Website Mobile friendly?

  8. how do you make your Website Mobile friendly?

  9. My lord, some of my friends I play airsoft with have insane amounts of funding, obviously they have some form of magical money tree in their gardens.

  10. So, I go to pull the trigger, then the only thing that works is the motor. Just a simple 'wirr' sound. Anyone know what I can do to fix this?

  11. So, I go to pull the trigger, then the only thing that works is the motor. Just a simple 'wirr' sound. Anyone know what I can do to fix this?

  12. Love the ritual on Saturday getting kit ready for battle in the morning.

  13. Love the ritual on Saturday getting kit ready for battle in the morning.

  14. So, I go to pull the trigger, then the only thing that works is the motor. Just a simple 'wirr' sound. Anyone know what I can do to fix this?

  15. Love the ritual on Saturday getting kit ready for battle in the morning.

  16. Don't listen to crazyNCman.

  17. Don't listen to crazyNCman.

  18. Today is a sad day. My pistol has a major leak issue and my sniper's on its last legs :(

  19. Heeded the lads advice and went to ProAirsoftSupplies instead of Wolf - not a single bit disappointed! Got hands on the new G&G Gen. 3 series and loads of new G&G internals for the Masada!

  20. Grrrr.... people.... saying... airsoft... is... for kids.... and... girls....mmm.... and ... they say.... they.... should.... join... the army... or play.... paintball....... My.... satirical, condescending and ridiculous posts are itching to be done.....

  21. Planning to visit the Wolf Armouries shop this weekend for my birthday, hear the staff can be a bit dodgy but still looking forward to it!

  22. If you ship a RIF via TNT what description do you give it? Airsoft toy? or do you clearly state RIF?

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