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  • Guns
    WE Hi Capa Dragon
    TM Hi Capa (4.3 and 5.1)
    WE SAI Glock 17
    WE M4 OB
  • Loadouts
    US Tricolour
  • Sites
    Gunman Airsoft
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  • Location
    Bury St Edmunds

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  1. 300 rounds doesn't bother me as I only have real caps and carry 6 mags, lol. That may lead to the rebels running out of ammo and running back to the fob to reload, then being chased by the mdf and gunned down before they have reloaded??? It's going to be a hard call and I wouldn't want to be an organiser. Whatever Baz, Josh and the other chooses to do it's going to rub someone up the wrong way. How the PMC are going to have an effect we will have to wait and see. The SOF changed sides a few times as normal, will the PMC be there as true neutrals or do the same, who knows?
  2. Great weekend and loved the site. I walked around for about 1.5hrs on my own and got to know the place quite well! Your SOF sniper role would have suited me clumpyedge, lol. Some of the rules need addressing,as Baz knows and is on the case. For a first event though the players made it, the organisers had their ears open, the weather was just right and will be signing up the next one
  3. I use a FOX motocross gear bag that I was given by FOX when I was a mechanic around Europe with Suzuki
  4. I've worked on their new expanded warehouse in the UK and asked the owner (who is Australian and lives there but flies around the world) if I could get a Glock from them and he said they wouldn't deal in airsoft in the UK as it is too complicated with UKARA etc. He is a registered firearms dealer in Oz and used to shoot for the national team and said that it was easier to get hold of them than airsoft. Nothing stopping you from ordering straight from HK, would be interested to hear how you get on.
  5. I have used either Tactical Quartermaster or JTAC for my GBBR need's. They hold a better stock of spares for the WE GBBR's in this country than Milspec and a bit cheaper as well.
  6. I'm going on my own and have never done a milsim before but love doing filmsim. I have a spare 446 radio as well that can be used by another member of my team if need be. Doing the weekend as it is a drive to the site, so might as well make the most of it!
  7. Tuddenham is on 2nd and 4th weekends of every month. Second weekend is limited ammo (600 rds in the field but you can reload) and the 4th weekend is skirmish rules.
  8. I've played at Norwich once and it's quite a nice site. I live close to Tuddenham though so go there the most. There are 12 buildings in the village and then across from that there are tyre forts and pallet boxes with a ridgeline to hide behind which leads up to the squash court then the safe zone. On the other side there is the woodland area with different littles bits in. Games are usually fun and have some good storylines to them. Give them a go and see what you think? They are running a milsim at two Norwich sites a bit later in the year. Booking open now and details on their forum.
  9. The sight is a real steel Vortex Strikefire. It comes with a screw in x2 converter and the quality is awesome as you would expect. Best thing is though, the price - £127! Vortex also do a sight called Sparc which happens to look like an Aimpoint t1 and also comes with a screw in x2 converter and sells for £148.
  10. Just finished my TM Sopmod Magpul MOE grip and trigger guard, Magpul XTM Handstop, Troy sights, Vortex RS Strikefire sight, Madbull 11" VTACS Battle rail, Laylax hard buffer ring, Magpul ASAP and Magpul ACS stock modded to fit the 7.4v Nunchuck LiPo batteries in.
  11. I've had a few things from eBay from HK and Israel with no customs charges. Ordered a Battle rail from Red Wolf when they had 15% off and have been stung £13.50 Parcelfarce charges and £15.29 VAT, so good luck!
  12. I have a price list if you would like a copy? You can send the parts stripped or they can strip for you (for a charge) and assemble. Time at the moment is a couple of weeks. They showed us a lovely .338 Lapua rifle that had just been cerakoted. That was awesome!
  13. Exactly my thoughts. You need to pop up there and have a look around the shop CK. Going up there again next week if the 5.11 order is in and taking my Hi Capa to get Cerakoted. Had a play with a JP .22 centre fire semi auto rifle and a RS Glock 36 and Taurus .357 Python. Top guys!
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