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Everything posted by Wo1f

  1. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    No, I don’t believe so. AEG’s just have a switch with no bar going through. I think you can mod the plastic selector plate on the outside of the gearbox, but I’m not 100%. I’d ask in the electric section. To say mechboxes arent my strong point is an understatement 😂
  2. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    Had a couple of people asking me about this so I figured I’d so somewhat of a guide. Semi auto conversion: For those of you wanting to DMR your MWS, you’ll need to remove the option of full auto as it’s the general rule for most sites. It’s simple to do and this is how you do it.. Split the lower and push down the hammer until the seers click in place, like so: Turn your selector in between semi and full auto, like this: Push from the other side with your finger and twist/wiggle the selector as you’re pulling it from the switch side. It should pull free from the gun. From there you need to take a dremel (or file if you’re feeling energetic) and alter the selector ‘barrel’. Here is a standard ‘full auto’ selector and a modded one: the piece you grind off is is what makes contact with the full auto sear. With it gone, it can’t possibly go into full auto. Now that you’re done, you just have to reinstall. The only difference from taking it out is you need a screwdriver or anything thin to poke a plate and a detent out of the way. Videos if my instructions weren’t overly clear: removal: install: Hope this helps! Any questions, give me a shout.
  3. Best thing to do is watch reputable YouTube videos. For the love of god, don’t touch other people’s guns until you’ve mastered it on your own.
  4. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    Step one: buy a SixG brass super nub (best upgrade in my eyes) step two: buy a modify tan bucking step three: buy some geoffs .36 bb’s step four: fit the parts and test step five: return here to tell me I was right lol
  5. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    Play style is everything with these. I probably don’t go through 600BB’s at Anzio over 8 hours. However... I’d say my hit rate % is much higher for what I carry. If I see someone at distance, I decide if I think I can hit them, and take a couple of shots. If I can’t hit them in 3-4 shots then there’s no point firing anymore, so I reposition or just move on. Its much more satisfying getting a kill with a GBBR.
  6. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    I had a test dummy this time. He’s stood at 75m away. I’ve still got a few clicks of hop travel so I may try .45 next. Specs are: Orga 6.05 410mm barrel SixG super nub Modify tan bucking 380-390 FPS on a .20 ASG Accuracy International.43 what I’ve learned.... at that range, even though it’s shooting almost flat, canting the rifle even slightly on the bipod caused them to just miss. According to my brother, the misses were skimming past him, so they were very close.
  7. The new trademarked WE Scar H GBBR’s just came back in stock and I accidentally fell on my phone and somehow managed to buy one. Was an accident... honest.. 😅
  8. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    I’d just lock it to semi, but for the time being, just use weaker gas
  9. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    What’s the kick like compared to standard? Think it would improve consistency over a mag in conjunction with the zinc mag tubes?
  10. If you ever sell it I want first refusal 😍
  11. Us OpErAtOrS need to keep our identity classified 😎
  12. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    .43 gives a much nicer flight path over a .40 for whatever reason. Much better ‘group’ visually. Brother wasn’t willing to be my test dummy after I sniped him on his bike last time 😂
  13. Anyone who’s got that sort of money for a sniper and buys an SSG24 over an SRS has wasted their money
  14. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    That’s an AEG barrel. We’re doing something devious and R hopping the mws 😈 ill send you a message now👍
  15. Got one of these and love it. Any questions, give me a shout
  16. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    Inner barrel first, then I’ll try to find one with trades. Love me some trades. You reckon this is the way forward? https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/laylaxprometheus-603mm-eg-inner-barrel-aeg-fitting-or-vsr-10-with-aero-chamber433mm
  17. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    Manages to buy a 3rd Mws for £250.. spends £300 on a rail. The sad thing is, I’m thinking about it 😂
  18. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    There’s no way to order from there outside of Japan, and the ones they have left have no trades.
  19. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    I’m gonna translate the shit out of that when I get home and buy one. Nice one
  20. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    love that rail, just wish it wasnt so expensive in the UK .79 is low? you running on 134a? i may have just bought another MWS...🤣
  21. If it’s not got one already, a tightbore barrel and a modify tan bucking. Thank me later
  22. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    Sorry dude. If you ever have any questions about them, we’ll always do our best to answer them here. Airsoft companies do finance now... 😈 Muhahaha
  23. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    Have you seen the price difference from America to uk? $189 or £290 from the uk 😑
  24. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    Nice one! It’s now on my list of wants. I’m just not brave enough to retread my receiver 😂
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