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Everything posted by Mack

  1. Anyone after a bowman style headset (ztactical) couldnt be arsed making a listing

    1. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Depends how much tbh. Can buy one fairly cheap from HK.

    2. Mack


      looking £11.50 posted

    3. Airsoft_Mr B
  2. Little review of the e-doff kit when you get it mate if you would. Seen it a week or to ago and looks handy.
  3. Its the same with every brand mate, there all cheaper in other countries, especially countries they're made in. Its the Import duties and taxes that up the price plus the Retailers want their slice of pie too.
  4. first kill with new (ish) pistol

    1. AirsoftTed


      Nice one, beard really completes the loadout Mack! wouldn't look out of place on Operator as F*ck!



      Very nice Sweep and clear Mack!

    3. Mack


      Had another little guy on the other side of the wall, I got him to distract him and keep him facing that way while I moved round lol

  5. I would highly doubt hes still looking one considering hes not been on the forum in 3 years
  6. Right on time, Welcome mate, thats 4 of us now
  7. ShooterCB have been superb latley, I ordered a plate carrier 2 weeks ago and got it with no charges in 5 days. Some UK retailers take longer ffs.
  8. Thats some excellent prices for a new Army Custom, Wish Id have found them before I bought mine
  9. Electric blowback aint recoil (Neither is TM's really) its just a moving mock bolt like G&G's wereas TM's have "Recoil" weights added.
  10. Little bit dirtier now MARSOC on a budget
  11. Google plate carrier shoulder pads. Plent to choose from, flyye make a few different types.
  12. Couldnt bring myself to pay for the First Spear Ops Core cover so will make do with the Emerson for now. Trying to find a relativly cheap NSW Balast pouch if anyone has any spare
  13. Can you point me to where it says this (highlighted red) in uk law? because I can tell you now it doesnt. Thats a ukara guidline, not a law.
  14. LBT having a fathers day sale http://lbtinc.com/

    1. SimonQuigley


      Just bought myself 3 MC M4 pouches for the price of 1 :D

  15. I know lol Might go out for a roll around in the garden get them worn in a bit as they only arrived this morning.
  16. Its the flash force industries set of JK army mate http://www.jkarmy.com/eng/magento/ffi-woodland-gen3-combat-set-2014.html
  17. Here's my progress so far on my 2012 marsoc kit Refrence pic
  18. Welcome mate, Good to see another greenzone player here. Pretty sure weve met before.
  19. I've been doing Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-Ryu now for 4 months and love it. Has given me much more flexibility as I used to be stiff as a board.
  20. Am I the only one who thinks its a piss take? or are these for real?
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