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Everything posted by TrooperX

  1. VFC Pin Set For MP5 - Dimensions? Probably a long shot but does anyone have these and can tell me the dimensions…? https://www.ehobbyasia.com/products/vfc-pin-set-for-umarex-mp5-gbb?srsltid=AfmBOoqk6HS52lsRdgYvCglsSzzSV77uDCrsrH_SCurKJOlCH07H41ss
  2. Yes, as stated here - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/firearms-law-guidance-to-the-police-2012/guide-on-firearms-licensing-law-accessible-version “Section 57A(4) sets the maximum permitted kinetic energy levels for airsoft guns at: a) 1.3 joules if the weapon is capable of discharging two or more missiles successively without repeated pressure on the trigger, and b) 2.5 joules in any other case.”
  3. My son has a couple of replicas of pre-1870 pistols and I had no problems buying them without a UKARA registration. If you’re literally only after a wall hanger, Kolser make some half decent replicas that are probably cheaper than this TM will be - https://www.battleorders.co.uk/products/replica-colt-navy-1852?variant=44059923677427
  4. It’s 1870, so you’re good to acquire one of these as long as you’re over 18, no defence required.
  5. This was before VCRA days so no pesky two tones to worry about back then 😄. I think I had one of the first JG G36s in the country. I imported it from Gunners if anyone remembers them.
  6. True story… a few years ago a policeman who used to go to the same airsoft site as me borrowed my JG G36C. His mate was applying for the armed section and they used it to practice drills.
  7. That’s two my son will want (SKS and FG42). Are S&T any good? Don’t think I’ve ever seen any of their stuff in person.
  8. If you’re over 18 you can buy a .22 air rifle, (which is roughly the same calibre as a 6mm bb) of up to 12ft/lbs, which is roughly 16 joules (vs ~1.1 joules for your average airsoft RIF or ~2.3 joules for your average bolt action). The law is very muddled at times!
  9. On the subject of Firearms Certificates and RIFs… there was a story going round not long after the VCRA came in to play about a couple of Police Firearms Officers who visited an airsoft shop. They wanted to buy a pistol to mount on a plaque as a gift for someone who was retiring. They were apparently very shocked to be told the shop couldn’t sell them a RIF, despite them standing there with their real Glocks holstered, because they didn’t have a valid defence. Not sure how true it was and of course they could have been doing some ‘mystery shopping’ in a bid to catch the shop out over the new law.
  10. I might be wrong but I always understood it was selling, import or manufacture that was an offence without a specific defence. So in a sale of a RIF to someone without eg. a UKARA registration, it is the seller that is committing the offence, not the buyer. The buyer would only be committing an offence if they attempt to import a RIF into the UK without a defence.

    • For sale
    • As new

    A bottle of ASG Accuracy International 0.4g bb’s. The bottle has a convenient pouring nozzle. £13 including postage and PayPal fees.


    Bournemouth, Dorset - GB

  12. I keep all my boxes. I think it’s better if you’re eventually going to sell them as it’s a good selling point and makes postage easier. If you’re never going to sell them then you probably don’t need the boxes but it might make it easier for your kids if they eventually have to sell them. I guess it depends if you need the space in the shed. You could try offering them for sale. Some people might want a box for an existing RIF if they don’t have one.
  13. I love the short versions. Reminds me of my JG M733 I got rid of years ago. Wish I'd kept that.
  14. I’m not keen on full face masks so have always worn just goggles. Then a few years ago I got hit in the mouth and it chipped a tooth. I still don’t like wearing full face so wear a mouth guard. The only slight problem is the funny looks on teammates faces when I try and speak to them with the mouth guard in 😆 Saying that, if I played indoors I’d wear a full face mask.
  15. Absolutely. I meant in the adults too. My parents should have known better back then. I was suggesting that lack of common sense isn’t necessarily a new thing. Back then it didn’t seem to exist in a lot of ways hence all the public safety announcements that were common at the time - give room to cyclists when driving and the “clunk click” seatbelt ads are a couple that spring to mind. Sorry, I’m straying way off topic now.
  16. I sprayed it to make it easier to spot after it had been thrown and it’s worked in that respect countless time. Granted it won’t stop someone nicking it if they’re determined but not a lot you can do about that.
  17. I had my own .22 air rifle that was stupidly (quite possibly illegally) overpowered when I was around 14/15 in the late 80’s. Used it unsupervised many times. My brother shot himself in the foot with it and I accidentally shot a hole in my neighbours greenhouse. My old man was a copper at the time too! I guess that was a lack of common sense back then too, but society also wasn’t so hot on health and safety.
  18. I sprayed mine bright pink, haven’t lost it yet 😆
  19. Exactly! It’s all very odd. One thing I recently found out is that if you have under 18s in your house, air rifles/pistols must be locked away. Not necessarily a safe but they must be kept in a locked cupboard or room (or maybe chained up so they can’t be used by a minor)
  20. Am I right in thinking that air rifles and air pistols are not subject the same RIF rules that airsoft guns are? As in you don't need a specific defence (eg UKARA, re-enactment, etc) to buy an air rifle/pistol, you just need to be over 18? At least that's what one firearms dealer I visited stated. And there are plenty of air rifles and air pistols out there that look as realistic as any airsoft gun.
  21. I’m not short of a penny but I’m as tight as they come so I’ve mostly done airsofting on a budget over the years. I was an early adopter of Chinasoft replicas and loved the fact I could import reasonably decent RIFs for a fraction of the premium brands you’d buy in the UK. I’ve also never held on to stuff that doesn’t get used enough. It gets sold on so I never have that many RIFs at any one time. I did treat myself once to a 2nd hand Systema PTW that cost me around £1k. That was an amazing bit of kit and a lot of fun to use. But when I stopped playing as much I sold that on. I’m just as happy these days with my CYMA M14 that cost me less than £100 🤣 There was a guy at a site I played at recently who had a £2k thermal scope on his rifle. It was bloody amazing but not something I’d personally spend out on.
  22. Has anyone used https://airsoftmania.eu based in Italy? I can’t find any previous mention of them.
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