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  • Guns
    Specna AK105, WE P226, JG MP5, Springer shotgun
  • Loadouts
    Wz.93 early 2000's Polish Infantry
  • Sites
    Ambush Activities, Ironsight

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  1. Last night's night game at Ironsight in Andover saw me be actually useful to me team a grand total of.. ONCE! Most of the night was plauged by poorly feeding magazines, no gas for my sidearm, an optic that was quite literally duct taped on (im sure you can imagine how well zeroed it was, but that said it was nice to get back into my kit. Onto the useful thing I did objective: Both teams try to capture barrel and move it to igloo, defend it in igloo for two mins to win The plan: I dropped my body armour and anything that would slow me down and legged it straight into the centre of the map where I found the objective within probably about one or two minutes , run out the back of the tunnels and around the right flank of the hangars (shout out to the guy who ran with me at this point you were a legend, and to the rest of my team who covered me) and up to the igloo, the right flank being controlled by my team making this easier. I get into the igloo, I am one pace away from placing the barrel on the objective. Shots fired at me from the dark, the enemy had set up and waited in there, and we lost the match. Whoever you were with the tracer rounds, very well played, you got me right in the fingers.
  2. A good choice, glad to see someone use something that isn't chambered in 5.56 for once!
  3. Today was quite a good day at Ambush Activities down by Southampton, As normal my polish army camouflage was an absolute menace in dark bushes, and several defences left my heart racing as I hid in a bush alone with my AK.. One of those times a nice toad came hopping next to me, had to take a second to admire it In the second of these defences I had a bit of time so decided to move some logs around in front of the bush for extra cover, it worked brilliantly surprisingly, but then the advantage of wearing Wz.93 is that it blends in freakishly well. Annoyingly later my small bush position was used by the enemy and my team got stuck on it for a while... By the time we were performing our attacking run, my mags were running dry, I was basically out of gas, my rifle was falling apart, so during the final maybe 20 mins of the attack, I figure its a good time to use one of my signature tactics Dump everything but my rifle and perform Banzai charges I did four of these, each time got lit up entirely by the other team and falling to the ground at the end of several of them. But there's always something magical about screaming "BANZAI! BANZAI! TENNO HEIKA BANZAI!" at the top of your lungs while running headfirst into the entire enemy team... But anyway if any of you were there thank you for making it a good game day
  4. Welcome! What kinds of AEG's are you thinking about?
  5. @JinxDuh You will be happy to know I have just fitted the cyma fire selector in the specna, it looks perfect. Interesting thing to assemble but easy enough to work out, only thing I had to do was slightly sand down the kind of "body" of the selector so it fit into the aperture slightly easier, other than that its fitting lovely. And with the aid of some threadlock on the end of the screw, hopefully shouldn't fall off again Thanks to everyone for the advice and suggestions, To sum up my findings for anyone who ever has similar issues: A Cyma aftermarket fire selector for an AK will fit into the Specna J Series, with about 4 seconds of sanding for ease of insertion
  6. Just in case anyone is interested in my crusade to get a new fire selector. Sadly I have just had my order cancelled from bbguns4less due to a stock error on their part, so I have been given a refund and a discount code for my next order, which the latter of I thought was quite good of them, so now to source another one! Wish me luck chaps!
  7. If you are willing to try the sport it would make more sense to do the UKARA route? To me at least it seems more y'know, legitimate. Three games in no less than two months is quite a good way to get to know airsoft a bit, you may play your third game and be so sick of it you don't want to play again, but if its been in your mind since the late 80's I doubt you would.. On the other hand you may play your third game and want much more than just a pistol 😜 I think my advice is sound on the "routes" but I'm no veteran so be prepared for some of the others to correct me Aside that, Welcome to the forum and hopefully to the sport too! What sorts of pistols were you thinking about?
  8. Haha, good to know it's not just me with this problem (You would have thought it might be based on how i play and how brutally I treat myself let alone my equipment) I may give in and just buy one from BBguns4less, they seem to have them in stock in the region of 15 quid, which is fair enough to make a rifle work again I think.. If I do i'l be sure to let you know of my experience with it! (Il likely order one tomorrow), or could just give in and do it now.. Ah may as well...
  9. I have a specna J-73, So it's an AK105 without the mosfet, you do make a good point, i just wondered if anyone on the site had experience with the specnas seeing how useless some retailers and specna customer support have been
  10. Hey all, I love my specna to bits, but the fire selector has fallen off and hence, is consigned to the mud in some field god knows where.. I've been looking to see if there are any selectors that have fit in, and I took a trip to SocomTactical where they were willing to try the J.G. AK fire selector in my rifle (excellent of them imo) but sadly it did not fit. Does anyone know if any other brands would fit in the specna AKs? My last hope really is the Cyma set as I am aware that some Cyma are VFC clones, much like the Specnas, but any and all advice would be welcome Thanks, GruntInfantry
  11. Don't know if I'm too late to help here, but all I can say is I've had great successes with my WE P226, I typically run it on red gas both winter and summer, it kicks and barks quite nicely, it's not the most accurate but then that's the price of the lovely WE package. My experience with the TM one was it felt almost, tacky? Wayyy lighter than the WE, did not give that "Holy hell" feeling. If I could, i'd chose the WE again, the mags are holding up well too, and having disassembled it, the internal parts seem of good quality. Anyway that's all I can say, hope this helped despite being a late reply
  12. Hey all! I can't say I'm new to airsoft (well I am compared to some of you lot), I've been in the field about two years now, but I am new to the forum (which I finally decided to join after hours of guest browsing 💀) A bit about me, i'm terrible at airsoft! Maybe have amassed 20 kills and about 300 deaths... But makes it more fun for the rest of you I suppose! I have been noted to take it very unserious, running around with a 3ft by 5ft Polish Flag with coat of arms is one of my signature tactics, that and blasting metal music through the woodlands (Though ABBA and "Its a long way to Tipperary" have both had more than a few plays)! Currently i'm salivating over the thought of FBS mortars, and RPKs, and SVDs, and G3's That's all about me, can't wait to hear from you all and hear all the brilliant advice i'm sure i'l get from you, Thanks for taking the time to read this, Regards - GruntInfantry
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