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Everything posted by LMKipper

  1. I went to a 'battlesim' or whatever at Imperium on Sunday. I enjoyed the more mission based stuff as well as slightly tighter rules but I was equally happy that was about where it ended. There was a guy attempting to take charge but his ideas were a bit too 'over the top and walk very slowly towards the enemy' for my liking.
  2. Yeah the parts are out there, but you might be ordering from here and there. Last time I looked Emperion had loads of stuff.
  3. I've got five for my M4 (hold about 40 rounds each) and that seems alright. I just pick my shots and let the hicap aeg types around me throw all their ammo away 😅
  4. I was also at DogTag yesterday. Crap start for me when I got ten minutes away and released I'd left my boots at home! Quick nip to the services to see if the petrol station had anything for truckers. Lo and behold they did, and I played with the finest boots available (for £35 from Pease Pottage services). Morning games were alright with the castle, a part I've not used before. Less alright was when a chap on my own side with poor awareness/muzzle/trigger disclipine, shot me in the side of the head with a 2.3j rifle from about 3 feet away & it lodged in my ear (photo of offending item: https://ibb.co/4gMJk2F). He was very apologetic and I know accidents happen, but it wasn't brilliant. Ended up with claret on my kit/RIF. The afternoon was a struggle. About 70% of the field seemed to go home, so there was only 20 or so people left by the end. I gave up around 3:30 when it was basically 5-a-side. Is this a common thing now? I've never been to another site that empties out so much at lunch, to the point where I'm not sure I'd bother paying for another full day. That said driving nearly an hour to only play for three doesn't seem worth the effort.
  5. As above it's ASG, so uses KSC/KWA mags. Mags for this are a devil to find - I have a KSC Glock 17 with two mags. I've looked recently and had zero luck finding any. You might find some with some HK retailers but I've not spotted any.
  6. That's the even bigger fear really isn't it - a rental turning up, getting hosed by a rhododendron repeatedly seconds after respawning then just heading home and never bothering again.
  7. Ha! Same. In fact, I bought my APS2 of one these guy as I remember the hunteering word.
  8. Yeah I think just enforcing ghillies as a DMR/Boltie thing would be the simplest and fairest solution. I'd really welcome it if I saw a site advertise it. A game last week ended up a bit of a stalemate quite quickly as there were a pair of ghillies armed with full auto HPA set ups that made advancing nearly impossible.
  9. I missed an entire between game reset break trying to find my way to the safe zone the other week. "Oh yeah it was left at the FOB mate, then there's a gap in the netting..."
  10. Ah very true. I remember it taking days cutting up hessian sacks, dyeing them then stitching it to an oversuit…
  11. Ah that is interesting. I've started playing again after a fairly long hiatus and I've certainly noticed a lot more folks in ghillies generally compared to when I used to play. They seemed quite rare at the time, whereas the last couple of games I've been to there have been five or six out of 100 players - only two of those had bolties. I did wonder if the success of a few ghillie wearing YouTubers had something to do with it.
  12. Could it be that the hop isn't holding the BB long enough to generate the pressure? So the BB is on its way before the piston has generated maximum power.
  13. Unfortunately I was dragged out of my liberal metropolitan elite bubble to do the honest work of gentrifiying a local community. Or in plain English, I quite fancied a garden and a house bigger than my shoes.
  14. Whoops, I did mean 2004. See my age is getting to me 😅
  15. Hey Folks Jordan here (or Kipper as I once was on previous forums...) Started airsofting as a wee 'un back in 2004 at the old Lightfighter Urban site (RIP) and played pretty solidly elsewhere until about 2011 or so when work/life/everything got in the way. Moved house recently to SE London, relocated the airsoft box and suddenly thought 'why don't I take this back up'. I was based in Manchester when I played, and everyone I played with seems to have also given up, so any recommendations for decent places around the South East would be greatly recommended. Woodland/urban mixed was always my preference, rather than super tight CQB. Kip.
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