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Everything posted by gunbod007

  1. Yeah reminds me of some old COD 4 paint job on a classic M4. Do you take the inner barrel out when you pain? I am thinking of leaving everything assembled and just taping off like you said. Got to get that gap between the two receivers tho? Hmmm I shall find a painting thread
  2. Ah Very nice. If you want a small boy tracer unit check out the Spitfire
  3. 15 second fill on a pistol mag?!!!
  4. You going for MK18 look? I love the paint job, haven't got the balls to do mine yet. How comes you didn't paint the upper? Also with painting did you completely strip everything apart including inner/outer barrel and taking the ZET system out the housing? I am tempted to just leave it assembles and tape up parts.
  5. Yeah you're right, realised I would only save £12 on tactical kit website. So I have bitten the bullet so to speak. Anyway soz for taking over the thread with gear talk. Time to debate getting a second MWS to make into a true classic SOPMOD block 1
  6. These are the only bastards I can find with one and they're over pricing it. I shall wait for the mass uk Restock we must be inbound for https://www.parabellumconsulting.co.uk/Magpul-MS3-Single-QD-Sling-GEN2-Coyote-p/mag515coy.htm
  7. Thanks but you were right about getting tan to match! I am sure it will pop up somewhere before the end of this bloody lockdown
  8. Yeah deffo going tan, Just can't find the MS3 in stock on uk tactical or the other sight. typical. Looking at the Ferro concepts now but then you need a QD swivel. Ah never simple. Think I will just hunt down the MS3 somewhere. That's cool you can use it in either 2 point or 1 point. RS Optics... Yeah I have wet my toes with a Holosun T1 style sight on like a months back order. Not looking forward to getting sucked into real eotechs or elcan
  9. Yeah I have decided on the Magpul MS3, not happy about the price but hey it's worth doing right. I have a CTR with built in QD point. I was gonna get some Esstac pouches to go with my new belt from https://www.tactical-kit.co.uHighly recommend them by the way. Cheers for the help lads. Forgot how much of a rabbit hole of costs airsoft is but damn it's a rush waiting for the new gear.
  10. I plan on using the sling all the time. Going to use my totally unnecessary pistol too so want to transition to it. Thinking a bungee sling too but thanks for the recommendations
  11. Anyone with any experience of FRV tailoring QD sling point. As previously mentioned by Alpha I think, I don't want to trust a cheap QD with me MWS https://frvtailoring.co.uk/collections/slings/products/cqb-single-point-ajustable-sling-1?variant=19221369454649
  12. I was using Abbey Predator Ultra in 1 degree temps the other day, this is similar to Nuprol 2. I was only out for a few minutes so not enough time to cool the mags down, fuck being outside in that weather. It performed well, On full auto ROF obviously slowed down towards the end of the Mag. I am new to the GBB game but I think Nuprol 2 is a relatively medium power Gas for 10+ degrees If for some mad reason I was going to skirmish in weather colder than that, I would use Abbey Vertex or Nuprol 3,4
  13. Yeah I opted against the split packages. Just seemed dodgy to me. But I am a genuine Airsofter with proof of pat links to sites, sportsman’s, contact with new sites, existing RIFS invoices on multiple Airsoft related products. anyway I will update when/if it all arrives
  14. Sorry to clarify. The lawyer said that Sportsman's association should be good enough as it is used as a defence for skimming per the law. The retailer is insisting on splitting the shipment and I have asked them not to because to me it just looks like smuggling. I think if I split the packages it makes it look like I even I don't believe in the defence whereas if it ships in one I think it proves I am genuine and want to airsoft. At the end of the day I think I just need to convince them I am an airsofter and intend on using it for skirmishing. Which is all true.
  15. Yeah I thought the WE one might be the silver one and thought that would be his problem.
  16. Haha this thread went off the rails. IF you want a defence to buy RIFs without UKARA look up Just Cos and Sportsmans Association. Both being accepted by more and more retailers. Also DO NOT buy a metal slide. You ruin what makes it a TM pistol. The plastic slides work beautifully even in the coldest temps and you get really great, snappy response. If you can find OEM from eagle 6 then great. Check out this video before you ruin it with a Guarder slide.
  17. So I just forked out an extra £50 for Sportsman's Association to use as Valid defence on my import from KYairsoft. Having ordered it I realised they offer 2 part shipping which would probably get through customs but anyway spoken to a firearms lawyer and he reckons this should be enough. Really interesting point here is that UKARA is essentially preferred by retailers because it is pretty solid as defence and holds up in court. At the end of the day it is their responsibility to check. But legally speaking you can buy or import a RIF without any of these previously discussed memberships. If you had an FAC for example you could say the RIF is for drills or target practice. You just need a valid excuse essentially that if a reasonable person was to judge you they would say yeah he's not using this RIF for bad reasons. That valid excuse or defence has no exact legal licence or membership. UKARA has just become a very popular way for retailers to protect themselves but they can accept whatever defence they deem fit.
  18. What colour RA tech NPAS was it and what issues did you have with it?
  19. Oh I know exactly what you mean about the trigger guard rubbing. It's horrible. What Magpul trigger guard are you going to use and any mods required?
  20. Yeah and the price is too reasonable and free shipping?
  21. Anyone got experience with Praetorian tactical? They have an MP5 for pre order that I can't find anywhere else, but I can't get hold of them b y email or phone. So a bit nervous to commit to a deposit. https://www.prae-tac.com
  22. Look I know everyone and their mother is running them, but my first CTR stock just turned up today and wow! Probably the best investment externally I've made so far.
  23. This whole thing is just so surreal to me. Reminds me of the days when Jarek4 and CrazyNCman used to make videos against each other haha
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