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Everything posted by gunbod007

  1. Ah I am actually having trouble fitting a tracer in mine. I have the Xcortech Xt301 V2 Having some custom aluminium fittings made for it
  2. Oh that's annoying. I have the FH556 Flash hider and matching UKSF Suppressor and seems fine. What model do you have? I am swapping out the inner tube in mine for a tracer unit. I am about
  3. I am using Abbey Ultra at the minute, I don't have a chrono but my understanding was it wasn't super powerful. What would you use in the warmer times? Surely not 144a?
  4. How often do the nozzles break? I have heard its the most likely thing to go but I am hoping to get a few games out if it at least haha
  5. Anyone know if the MWS buffer tuber is the same as the NGRS buffer tube. I am after a customer castle nut and found someone who makes them for the NGRS
  6. Keep us updates if you hear back as I have sent an email asking for one as well.
  7. Yes just reseated mine. Managed to get it with hop off to stay in. If you shake it hard it will fall out. Thanks everyone for putting up with my paranoid ways. Also Just fitted a surefire 4 prong to it for the real steal look. It's basically a tuning fork and rings out to give your position away for that extra realism. In all seriousness it looks amazing.
  8. Yeah I have checked, it doesn't occur with the standard outer barrel.
  9. Yep I had someone help me machine it down slightly. Any experience with the BBs just rolling out? Very concerned I may have a bad seal or misaligned something now. Going to buy a chronological just to double check.
  10. Update on the Angry Gun L119A2 outer barrel: Got it machined down and inner now fits in. All assembled. But should The BB just slide out the barrel when loaded if the Hop Up is turned all the way off? I am pretty sure this didn't happen before with the standard outer barrel but I rarely have hop fully off. I still won't have to hop fully off but could this be a warning sign that something is wrong or misaligned? To be clear. If I cock the weapon and the Hop is fully off. The BBs will literally just roll out the barrel without even being fired. And it's not like it even needs to face straight down. Just the nozzle moving forwards sends the bbs rolling out. So this is making me think I have fucked up the air seal and something isnt sitting right
  11. Handed them in to my local station, they had no clue but let me keep one as a memento anyway
  12. The TM one is actually quite loose tbh and easily slides the inner barrel out. Tried widening slightly using a screw driver but the metal is so soft.
  13. I am this close to just using a small hand file to make it fit, but I don't know how tight this seal has to be for performance etc. Clearly not that important according to angry gun
  14. So I have the Angry gun L119A2 10 inch outer barrel. Doesn't seem to fit the standard TM inner? What have I done!?
  15. So I noticed the O ring and spacer on the flash hider are very oiled up. I am have just got a 10 inch L119A2 angry gun barrel with its own spacer and o ring. Should I soak the o ring in silicon oil?
  16. Some are crimped with wax to help seal, that's what I have here. Anyway this is an airsoft thread but just through it was an interesting find. Can't actually remember how I came about them.
  17. Some of these are blackened on the tip but I assume thats the wax or whatever is used to seal it
  18. They're blanks, not sure on the propellent, but I had them checked out with a firearms dealer who has some in stock. Legal to own without FAC, but yeah already arranged disposal by my local police station. They're Radway Green 5.56mm so presumably some kind of cordite.
  19. Probably not relevant as haven't just bought, but just rediscovered. In my shed. thought I would share them with anyone interested here before I dispose of the useless things. Soz if this breaks any rules but thought it would be interesting and there isn't exactly a thread for it haha
  20. I really want the HAO L119A2 monolithic upper, a thing of beauty but also the price! Got the Angry Gun rail on the way instead.
  21. Anyone know about mixing iron sights. I have the 14.5" Standard MWS but getting an L119A2 Rail and need to pick up some sights. thinking of saving some money by buying a front post only
  22. So I was looking at the Angry Gun rail and then read the whole load of disclaimers under it from fire support https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/angry-gun-l119a2-rail--925-inch-short-version Was going to buy the Angry gun 10 inch barrel https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/angry-gun-l119a2-10-inch--157-inch-outer-barrel-set-for-marui-mws-version Not sure if that comes with a barrel nut though or if I will need an adapter. Will give them a ring on Monday. EDIT: If it is as simple as buy these two part and follow the eagle 6 video then great. Otherwise not sure I will bother.
  23. Tempted to order the L119A2 RAS and barrel. Never opened up this end before anyone know if it is simple? Worried I will fuck up performance if I don't put the inner barrel in just right or something.
  24. So I already have a QD Mount https://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/4126/s/angrygun-rear-sling-plate-with-qd-sling-swivel-for-m4-gas-blowback-machine-gun-series/. Feel like I overpaid now since those PTS ones look nice too and half the price. But either way I trust the angry gun mount not to fail. The PTS ones seem better in that they have a little extension so longer QD points will fit. Wonder if the plate rotates though? Anyway filed down my, very cheap FRV sling with QD point https://frvtailoring.co.uk/products/molle-attachment-sling and it seems to fit okay.... he says until his gun deffo drops on the ground haha. Either way I can't pull it off with all my strength
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