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Everything posted by Sewdhull

  1. No, but you can sleeve the stainless wire if you want to use a brush.
  2. Straw brushes( think mini toilet brushes) if you don't want to buy a cleaning kit.
  3. Its trade names over material science. Glocks were made from Polymer 2, believed to be a nylon reinforced with glass fibre. This has caught on and manufacturers don't like to say plastic, when there's a bit more to them. Airsoft guns don't need the strength of posh plastics to replicate the weapon and some of the more basic plastics do fine. People like to say polymer instead of plastic, cos it sounds better I think, but not all polymers are plastics, all plastics are polymers. It's hard to mislead anyone if they don't know what the 2 things are or the difference.
  4. Gun pressure regulators out putting up to say 140psi don't seem to exist if you want to have a bottle pressure over 1000psi, which is about 1/3 of the capacity of an alloy bottle for example. I don't think they replace the tank reg either so it may be moot.
  5. Try threading cloth strip through the open parts of the compensator and when that's full of cloth wrap it around the outside tightly until it's fat enough to get a good grip on. Wrap in the direction you'll be turning it to keep it in tension.
  6. The trouble with plate carriers is that they don't conform to a womans shape or some men for that matter. Kids sizes might work for you, but the buckle up system has a load of adjustment, more than most I've seen. That looks really cool. I might have a look at that for me !
  7. DNA is a polymer.... It's marketing, if you want to deride a Glock you call it plastic, if you're bigging it up you call it nylon polymer. It's just words for those who are otherwise ignorant. Ignorant not being insulting btw.
  8. You tube says they are ok, quick change spring is nice. This is Airsoft however, you don't get brand reliability. The guns appear well made, but you can't expect perfect shimming etc. One video I saw had some issues with swarf from manufacturing but was still a thumbs up. Plus points of the gearbox are good airseal the MOSFET ofcourse quick change spring, detensioner and quick spring change. The guns are popular and ppl here like them.
  9. If the spec is the same it's what you like the look of perhaps
  10. I think there's a single tank regulator, two line regs. The tank regulator brings the pressure down to a level the line regs can operate at.
  11. I think gun instructions still show silicone sprayed in the hop as a cure for issues...
  12. Since it's new return it. It's a pain but you have paid for a gun that shoots properly. Many here are well versed in gun fiddling so, like me would open it up and rotate the barrel, bucking etc.
  13. Try different gasses, cool down of the mag affects everything except hpa, because of the evaporation of the gas cooling the mag and then reducing mag pressure. Not enough pressure ends up venting the mag, embarrassingly in my experience. Co2 mags have additional pressure reduction in the mag but still have more pressure than the other gasses. Still gets cool down tho because of physics. Using less gas per shot is really the only way to improve things, like Swede says, a plastic slide will do this.
  14. Don't they just have different mags?
  15. The multiplayer was my bag, 4 players... Teamspeak... ISDN line... Mods existed for guns, just the beginning of things to come.
  16. Video games I think have influenced the die alot thing. Death in games is very gradual now, mistakes cost less. I used to play roguespear years ago with some military online buddies, 2 shots and you were dead, crippled and then dead. Loved it. I think the player base, getting younger with Thier experience of the world was bound to change things...that's ok. Gotta adapt or spectate
  17. Clearly Mk. was abbreviated not for speaking but for writing, or stamping perhaps. DNA is abbreviated for both I'd hazard and so no one has to pronounce it. People say e t c. L o l. and allsorts nowadays...
  18. And period facial hair... Commitment that is.
  19. Yeah none of it is necessary, performance pressures are minimal, unlike drones for example, so the need for advancement isn't the same. My old Glock fires and works like a new gbb, it's probably less accurate...
  20. I like the idea of the shorter mags, I don't have any at the moment. I see the shorter double type but none close enough to justify the shipping charges.
  21. Watching YouTubers play Airsoft is painful, I don't do that anymore. It's neither entertaining or informative. YouTube and gun tech or advice is useful to me. I'm not fond of the look at me, like me culture social media in general engenders.
  22. It all depends what experience you are looking for.
  23. Anyone used short mags? Particular the 240ish round double mags. Anything to note, other than lower capacity?
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