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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Doesn't the MP5K use a V3 gearbox, though?

    • Wanted
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    I'm looking for a full length outer barrel for an Ares VZ58. It can be with it without the front part; the part I require is just the bit pictured, where it mounts to the receiver. Aesthetic Condition unimportant, so long as it's functional and straight. Thanks


    Hartlepool - GB

  3. I think someone must have had a word with him, or his drugs have worn off, as it's no longer on the discord. 😂
  4. Oh wait, it comes with a spare ambidextrous mag release. That explains the price!
  5. It is indeed. I don't know if he's a chancer or just deluded!
  6. £300 for a "SCAR-H / UMP hybrid" (aka a double eagle UTR.45). 🤡
  7. Are they actual lenses made to a prescription, or an insert?
  8. Any chance of some pictures from the inside, please? Do you think there's any scope for prescription inserts in these?
  9. Picked up a Steyr scout second-hand yesterday. Used to have one, sold it as I had too many bolt actions. Sold most of those, missed the scout and saw this at a good price. Was very dirty inside, missing a screw on the trigger unit, but after a disassemble and cleaning is now running smoothly and putting out 2.2J on a 0.45. Just need to test it out now!
  10. Have you looked at @ak2m4? He has some 128mm length ones in in a 6.00mm bore. https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/inner-barrels/xt-inner-barrel-aeg-600mm
  11. I'm going to take a guess and say that you might have got an adapter wired up for RC cars, which will be reversed. I've had them myself, but caught it beforehand luckily, and seen plenty of people caught out by this. IIRC, the larger sized contact on the deans should go to the round contact on the mini Tamiya. Can you post a photo to confirm? Also, put the affected batteries outside somewhere safe! I believe the correct protocol is to cut off the contacts (one wire at a time) and then put it in a bucket of saltwater, but others can confirm.
  12. Message me tomorrow with what you need and I'll see what I have.
  13. Not wanting to jinx myself, I've been lucky enough with my VZ58s to get away with just a bucking and barrel change for most of the 7+ years I've had them. The ETU is where I've had issues unfortunately! I think it would be beyond that unfortunately. IIRC, the cylinder head and nozzle sit much lower than they do on normal gearboxes, and the motor attachment is more akin to a V2, where you screw the grip directly into the gearbox shell, rather than having a motor cage. I'll try to dig out one of my spare gearboxes and get some photos. Photos of a V3 and two VZ58 boxes, with and without the trigger board & motor guide.
  14. Unfortunately it's its own style of gearbox, so a V3 wouldn't fit. I've had the same issue in the past myself tbh and I had to message Ares directly, so that's probably your best bet; they were fairly prompt with sending out a replacement, but that was a few years ago now. I could use a couple of the mosfets myself really, so let me know how you get on if you do!
  15. No idea what it is, no idea what's wrong with it, but it can be yours for only £230! As long as you pick it up yourself.
  16. Maybe If the system works out Someone can make a WA2000 version or kit for it! 🤞
  17. Latest acquisition for Christmas. Saw it and found the concept interesting, but won't be able to test it until the new year. Don't know if I should have gone for the slightly longer version, as the short one seems to be lower powered than advertised; around 1.6J Vs the stated 1.9J, but I'll try it and see! *Edit: just tried it again with heavier ammo and an Action army VSR mag and it's now up to around 1.9 to 2J, so more than adequate. I don't know if it's just joule creep, the AA mag seating in better, or the thing's just warming up now but it seems to have improved. Can't wait to try it out, the thing is just so ridiculously light though!
  18. It doesn't work like that, you've kind of got it backwards. The allowed joules will stay the same, and your FPS will lower accordingly. You'll want to be under 276fps if you're using 0.32s. Here's a slimmed down one that's useful for most UK places.
  19. There's no selector parts with it at all, not even a selector plate unfortunately! It's seeming like the best bet would just be to bin it off and sell it for parts at this point!
  20. I recently bought a boneyard Double Eagle UTR.45 off a sales discord. It was advertised as not lifting BBs, and being full-auto only. A simple enough fix, I assumed; worst case scenario, with the Falcon control system I can hopefully just set it to fire one shot on all the settings and use it like that. (I rarely use auto, so it's no big deal if I have to) Alas, on receiving it that's when the issues began. It wasn't packaged brilliantly (I've seen worse, but it's still fairly loose inside the box, And I'd be embarrassed to have done this, personally). There was no fire selector of any type, not even loose in the box, which gave me my first uh-oh, as setting the FCS requires using a fire selector. Then, on taking it apart, it has a jefftron MOSFET installed, which I'm assuming is *not* standard. From what I've seen, the stock one has double eagle written all over it and looks different. I've never opened one of the new FCS double eagles, so have I basically been sold a problem child without being told? My guess is that the previous owner watch some 'top-tier' YouTube review and thought that replacing the perfectly usable FCS with something that is cool and shiny looking according to "Big Baz the internet tech" was completely necessary before realising they don't know what they're doing, losing several important components and just selling it off cheap to some mug (aka me! 😅)
  21. You have justairsoft and BZ tactical down the A1 and A19 respectively, but they're still a good 40 minutes or so away.
  22. Nothing that I know of really, which is strange considering the size of it.
  23. I've had a few ASG/STTI MK23s and also a few Marui ones over the years and tbh by now I'd never buy a clone again, as they always end up just not being worth it. The clones triggers are just rubbish, the feed lips on the clone mags end up either broken, misfeeding or both, and when they do work they never seem to be as efficient or as powerful as when I use TM mags, whether it's in a marui or clone MK23.
  24. Are there any Airsoft stores near Nottingham that are worth checking out?


    Going to be heading down from the frozen north this weekend, thought I may as well have a look in whilst I'm there!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hudson


      According to Google maps they're an online only store?

    3. EvilMonkee


      Not really, the only place I know of even reasonably close is Fire Support in Peterborough


    4. Hudson


      It's ok, I made it to Leicestershire Airsoft in the end, and picked myself up a new Amoeba.

  25. Is it from the safety catch inside the gearbox that stops the trigger engaging?
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