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Everything posted by theSwede

  1. Sometimes when switching slides problems occur. It could be tolerances, that the new slide is catching on somewhere or needs some braking in. Also it could be that the mos slide is heavier, especially with a red dot mounted, than the original slide. Then you migh need to find the correct recoil spring. Too weak and it won’t return to battery. But too strong will make it hard for the slide to lock back. I think you have to experiment a bit. I doubt a new frame will solve your problem. edit: Is it a steel mos slide? That would explain a lot
  2. Maybe have a close look at the nozzle, check it for cracks. Just to be clear, are one of the two slides the original one? i.e the gun malfunctions while fully stock aswell?
  3. Considering the price for a ghk, that sucks. Seems the only way to get correct trades are thru aftermarket parts.
  4. I had most brands of glocks and none have had correct trades out of the box. Not even the licensed VFC/Umarex ones. Although I never had a GHK. How are the trades on those?
  5. Welcome to the glock rabbit hole! I myself am a glocklover and are trying to collect as many as possible, although I’m also trying to make them good to field. Also I’m a sucker for correct trades. So often I’m finding myself swapping slides and frames. As Jim states above I would also say that about 75% are available as airsoft versions. Be prepared to burn a big hole in your pocket.
  6. If its a nbb it might be hard to get the power down enough. Have you thought about simply getting regular gg mags for it? Although it might even run hot on regular gg as its a nbb. But then at least you can try weaker gas…
  7. There’s a pretty simple mod you can do where you file the underneath of the frontside of the slide recess to minimize the friction between slide and outer barrel. Both nineball and unicorn make fixed barrels for glocks. Although the nineball one is expensive and the unicorn leaves a small gap between slide and barrel in the slide recess which is too ugly for my taste. I prefer steel outer barrels as I like the added weight to the front to weigh up for the mag in the back.
  8. You should really call it quits and try again with a new account as someone mentioned above. I think the hole you’ve managed to dig in just a short period of time gotten to deep.
  9. Wow… homophobic insults. Way to go. I usually don’t meddle in these kind of threads but you are truly an asshole that I wouldnt want anywhere near an airsoftfield
  10. Sadly not even Umarex Glocks have correct trades even if they’re licensed. Although Guarder will probably release a frame for the TM gen5 with proper trades soon enough
  11. Thats a sexy glock! I must say I like the new slide colour.
  12. Got some new bits for my 19X. I love giant suppressorsights
  13. https://www.tokyomaruiairsoft.com/product-page/g17-gen-5-mos It seems the bbu volume is increased from the gen4. Also the gun seems to be lighter than at least the gen3. Dont know the weight of the gen4
  14. Arn’t those mostly cosmetic parts thats rs compatible on a gbb? Could a gbb really whitstand the force that a live round would create?
  15. Thanks for your answers guys! As Tackle pointed out we should be happy that airsoft’s not banned all together in either of our countries. Do you think your lawenforcement and politicians are happy with the UKARA system? And how does it work in reality when buying for instance on the wanted ads on here? Sorry for all the questions and crappy english but I’m really interested in hearing how things work for different airsoft scenes.
  16. And in no way am I offended by your laws or take it as an attack. I was just curious. Although I’m happy to not have it the american way with orange tips. It wasn’t too long ago you needed a licence to own most gasguns over here. Now the limit is at 10j for semi and 3j for automatic. But we have a problem with firearms violence here, and kids with airsoftguns pose a problem for the police since its hard to tell the difference from real guns. A system like UKARA might help.
  17. I’ve read about your system with UKARA and two-tones. Why do you have that system and what do you think about it? The only thing we have over here is an age limit of 18 to buy airsoft guns
  18. I’m in Sweden so I wouldn’t know. I guess we have different importrules since brexit. But over here it gets cheaper to order from hk even with the tax. Parts are both rare and superexpensive in Sweden
  19. Might be hard to find nowadays but have a look at hk retailers like - https://www.rainbow8.com/collections/ksc-glock-parts
  20. If you like glocks the TM G17 gen4 is a great wintergun. The larger nozzle combined with the plastic slide works wonders
  21. Co2 will brake your WE G18C sooner than later no matter what upgrades you make, starting with the noozle. It will also most likely make it useless for cqb. Also Co2 is pretty inconsistent by itself. But if you really want to do it just get Co2 mags like Sewdhull said. Or get a pistol with a plastic slide (TM) if your problem is gasinconistency in coolder weather.
  22. Did you lube it before putting it back together?
  23. I give up. Enjoy your aap01 and a happy new year!
  24. I literally can't, as it's a moving part, hence why I want something with a fixed barrel. You can. If you want to fixate the inner barrel in the outer barrel. Or I misread your first post. Are you looking for a ”fixed slide”? A nbb? Otherwise yes, fixed barrels are a thing even for glocks. Where you fixate the innerbarrel and hop to the outer barrel for improved accuracy
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