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  1. Sad
    Herrgh reacted to Shamal for a status update, Just a message to say that I will be stepping down from the forum. On the 13th I lost   
    Just a message to say that I will be stepping down from the forum.
    On the 13th I lost my wife and best friend.
    Thank you all for listening to my silly comments and crap jokes over the years. Life seems to have lost its humour for me.
    Fire off a few for me and remember, call your hits 👍
  2. Sad
    Herrgh got a reaction from Rogerborg for a status update, Aw cock. I forgot that Double Eagle's crappy fire control mosfet drains batteries. FF   
    Aw cock. I forgot that Double Eagle's crappy fire control mosfet drains batteries. FFS. Perfectly good lipo ruined.
  3. Like
    Herrgh got a reaction from RostokMcSpoons for a status update, First game with my new DE M906C (thanks @RostokMcSpoons ). First impressions are grea   
    First game with my new DE M906C (thanks @RostokMcSpoons). First impressions are great. Chrono'd bang on 300FPS on 0.25g with remarkable consistency for "a chinese gun", and suddenly I have more range than I know what to do with. Clearly my 2010s-era common knowledge on airsoft brands and QC needs a big fat update! 
  4. Like
    Herrgh got a reaction from Dan Robinson for a status update, First game with my new DE M906C (thanks @RostokMcSpoons ). First impressions are grea   
    First game with my new DE M906C (thanks @RostokMcSpoons). First impressions are great. Chrono'd bang on 300FPS on 0.25g with remarkable consistency for "a chinese gun", and suddenly I have more range than I know what to do with. Clearly my 2010s-era common knowledge on airsoft brands and QC needs a big fat update! 
  5. CoolAF
    Herrgh got a reaction from Rogerborg for a status update, First game with my new DE M906C (thanks @RostokMcSpoons ). First impressions are grea   
    First game with my new DE M906C (thanks @RostokMcSpoons). First impressions are great. Chrono'd bang on 300FPS on 0.25g with remarkable consistency for "a chinese gun", and suddenly I have more range than I know what to do with. Clearly my 2010s-era common knowledge on airsoft brands and QC needs a big fat update! 
  6. Like
    Herrgh got a reaction from strykerles for a status update, EEEEEEE Neg Air is done with my AEG !   
    EEEEEEE Neg Air is done with my AEG! 
  7. Like
    Herrgh got a reaction from Lozart for a status update, EEEEEEE Neg Air is done with my AEG !   
    EEEEEEE Neg Air is done with my AEG! 
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