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Posts posted by Egon_247

  1. So....Saturday at Apocolypse 249. 

    Geared up, all the kids in the car and off we went. Used the wifes motor as it has more room for stuff.

    All set up in the safe zone and safety brief done, we head out for the first game. Noticed there was lots of rentals but they were enthusiastic and ready to go. 

    10 shots in, i realise the AUG is not being as awesome as normal and is double feeding, resulting in "brewers droop". walk back and swap out to the M14- its first time on the field. Damn they're heavy things, aren't they? almost need a wheel barrow to push it around on!!

    Blue team got destroyed on the first game, we needed coffee and bacon to regroup and get into the swing of it.

    Coffee and bacon consumed and we were off again, some over complicated dead, fall back, this bit is yours, this bit is theirs, blah blah KILL REDS etc. 


    So we did. few non hit takers were introduced to the "I'm going to keep shooting until you actually call it" section of my brain, but otherwise a really good mix of maniacs and strategy users.


    One guy had to be escorted off site due to being a complete bell end and i genuinely hope he had a car crash on his way home after non hit taking, losing his rag and turning the M4 around to use it like a cricket bat 🤯

    I dunno. i don't understand it. 


    Went through more rounds than normal, but had a really great day, especially after the day at dogtag we had, the boys needed a good day to get their heads back into it. We did. Loved it.

    So other than a poorly AUG and "angry man" we had a great day. Im back at work today and i ache like a bastard but hey. it was fun.



  2. HAaaaaaahaaaa!.

    Fixed it. There was a glob of cack (technical term that) in the trigger reset mechanism under the metalwork of the frame. Cleaned up, regreased and now back in play. 

    Have to say, they're a sod to get apart. 

    Roll on Saturday.....😁

    Cheers for the help guys. 


    And I'm not sure the market for hamster parts is big, but it's probably there.....😱🤔🤣

  3. Yes. i know. before you start on the tirade of abuse and i should have bought a TM blah blah, its the boys. Not mine. Mine is a WE and probably going to do the same thing as they all come from the same bucket of chinesium.... :D


    So. Boy has a VM9. great little gas pistol, it has served him well. Unfortunately it has worn itself out. It fires but the trigger wont reset. So i guess i'm looking for spare parts for it as a) he bought it with his saved up money therefore has sentimentals and b) i cant bring myself to bin it. So......Can anyone find or know the whereabouts of a parts diagram for said toy, and with Nuprol being nuprol, am i better off just banging my head against my desk? :D

  4. Heh, thought i'd bump this up as mine has become my "back up" pew that comes with me in case one of the mains play up/die on us during the day.

    So far we've used it on every outing, aug being too hot (0.1J over :rolleyes:) and the boys mp5 losing its battery cover again.

    It refuses to die and is as solid as a rock. 

    Im thinking about lobbing a warhead at it (not too mad but more than the OEM motor) and have heard that the falcon and the warheads dont always get on. It may be time for a service on it too, with the amount of rounds that have gone though it!! :D 

  5. 48 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:

    Dogtag does seem to have something of a reputation.  Hopefully, it hasn't put your eldest off.  My eldest used to play, but gave up because of frustration over non hit taking and rule breaking.  A few years later, a friend of his persuaded him to try Dogtag; he left at lunchtime and has not played since, although he has started making noises about possibly giving it another try.


    Hope he does, it's awesome dad/son stuff and parenting is hard enough at the best of Times!! He's just got out of the shower and has shown me some of the dints he's got. 

    I didn't know about it's reputation. Seems fair though.

    18 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

    Wow. Definitely sounds like one to avoid, I'm guessing things like this are the reason it was called dogshite in many faceache groups

    Didn't know this either. 🤣🤣


    We will soldier on. 

    The boy is too good to not get back on the horse, lock n load and raaaaa into the distance 🤣🤣🤣

  6. 4 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:

    I'll cross that one off the list then!

    Both my boys did airsoft with me, the youngest gave up because of an uncontrolled twat at dogtag. 

    The eldest hasn't even unpacked his pews yet and that's usually the first thing he does, unpacked, cleaned and ready to rock.

    I get it, you have bad days with anything you do but this was a bit much.

  7. Well that was one day of airsoft that I don't want to repeat. 

    By lunchtime I'd packed my gear up and was no longer shooting as the locals appeared to be made from Teflon and were impervious to hits. 


    Play was stopped after some numpty threw a LOG over a wall, shouting grenade and nigh on knocked some poor unsuspecting bloke out. 😱

    I laid 15 rounds into a guy (3 shot bursts) every single one bouncing off him, including a few off his noggin with a marshal watching and nothing. Nada.


    To prevent fatalities I gave up. Went back to the safe zone and grabbed a coffee.


    The Marshalls couldn't give two shits if you complained..unless you were a regular. 


    If a 13 year old comes back to the safe zone telling me he doesn't feel safe out there, then there's something wrong.


    Genuinely never going back.

    Sorry dogtag airsoft in Crawley, unimpressed.




  8. I think the thread is the important bit. It's v small, in a fine pitched m6 kinda size. I thought the gas valves were imperial (may be lack of sleep doing that though 🤣)

    I'm trying araldite just in case, you never know .. 😁

    Failing that, I'll plug the hole and drill n tap a new one, if I can figure out the pitch/sizes.

  9. So there I am, in my tellytubbies pyjamas, asleep in my bed when at 4am I'm woken up by a sharp loud hiss noise.

    My brain went "that was a mag vent noise".

    Out of bed, had a look at the mag rack, nope, all is well. Ah, probably just my brain reacting to that cheese from under the fridge that I ate.

    Back to sleep.


    Only, I'm getting my gear ready for tomorrow and check my storm 360 grenade is all good. Which it isn't. 🤔


    It appears that the gas inlet valve has had enough and has bailed out of the grenade in a very grenadey way. 

    I cant find it, I was half expecting it to be embedded in the cieling 🤣🤣🤣


    The threads have stripped and left a very clean exit hole 🤣🤣


    Damn. Not sure araldite is man enough for it....

    Any suggestions? 


  10. On 01/05/2024 at 13:55, DanBow said:


    Not sure if there's any real difference between isopropanol alcohol and isopropyl acetate but cleans like a good'un.



    That stuff is evil! Somewhat pungent too!!! 😱😱😱🤪

  11. So, as kind of a 6 month update on a three year update, i thought i'd chime in...


    Martin has left now completely. He suffered some serious bereavement over xmas, losing his mum and his son.

    Which is s shit sandwich in anyones books.


    Jon has full control now and Dimitri (the mad russian) have been busy beavers. The village has been extended with extra structures and cover, the trenches have been redug, the safe are has lighting and the marshalls are on point. Which is all good.

    The toilet block is STILL coming but alas has not made an appearance yet. The hill is still a killer (and i'm not getting younger!!).

    The shop is getting bigger and the food is getting better each time i go, although the lunchtime queue can be a bit painful. 

    They've been trying to put on night games and Milsim type stuff, but i believe Jon has been uber busy sorting out the shops at several other sites.

    I still go on saturdays when i can as i usually have the boy and his "hangers on". Havent been on a sunday for a while. :)


  12. 13 hours ago, Galvatron said:


    I went there for the boot sale at the end of January but not to play though I got a similarly good impression of the organisation from the signage and the tannoy announcements so I will go there to play at some point.


    It sucks that they don't allow players to bring their own food and drinks. I thought that captive market mentality was left in cinemas.

    Me and one of my mates were there (in the sleet n bloody cold!). Havent actually played there yet! 

    Everyone seemed to be having fun. At least the parking and the seating is good. We've played the one up the road from there (dogtag, i think).


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