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Status Updates posted by Egon_247

  1. Where's that thread with the guy that just builds awesome looking guns? I can't find it...

    1. hitmanNo2
    2. Egon_247


      Cheers dude. I'm getting old. 😂

  2. Corfu is distinctly lacking in Airsoft shops. But sells alcohol that could get a spitfire engine running from cold. 😂😂😂😵💫

    1. pyromancer6


      😭 all I remember from going to corfu as a kid is having to put the toilet paper in a bin because the toilets can't handle them lmao


    2. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      I once did a bottle of rakia on a train journey.  I missed my stop due to being passed out.  


      One expensive taxi ride home...


      I still have a bottle unopened.  It tastes of old webbing and ethanol.  

    3. Egon_247


      Well good news on the toilets, they've moved into the 20th century. 😂

      Currently watching the offspring trying to drown each other 

      Dragon flies keep landing on the wife's feet (dragonfly foot fetish? Is that a thing? 😂)

  3. New rule in our house: NO MORE CHEAP GBB PISTOLS!!! fed up with not being able to fix the sodding things when they wear out or break.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The_Lord_Poncho


      excellent choices!

    3. Airpig41


      Now I have a WE Glock that likes to hang up more times than it fully cycles. Must avoid them in future!!

      It's in the box to fix if possible or break for spares!!

    4. The_Lord_Poncho


      I've had an entirely problem free WE G19 gen5 for a few years that has been fantastic. A more recently WE g17 gen3 has proven to be a little more fussy with magazines/gas - with the right magazine and/or gas pressure it is fine, but it definitely doesn't like cold weather or cool down - especially on non WE mags (e.g. those sourced from an AAP and Army Armament).

  4. Too much white wine with dinner..... Mush fuZzy.🤫🤣

  5. At work, on a sunday. Fathers day. with access to classifieds and coffee. what could possibly go wrong? :D 

    1. strykerles


      depends on your definition of wrong 😉

  6. How you doing matey?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EDcase


      At least I know someone cares 🤪


      I'm doing a bit better each day thanks Egon.

      Its going to take a few months but I'll get back on my feet 👍

    3. Egon_247


      Good, its going to be rough but you'll get there bud. Chin up and all that positive mental shit. :) 

    4. EDcase



  7. Dogtag on Sunday with the clan. This should be a giggle 😁

  8. Bankholidayatworkandithinkivehadtoomuchcoffeealreadyyyyyy


  9. Hiya, having done a search on the forum, you seem to be the AUG guru... :)

    I have just landed a boneyard TM AUG and after a tad of fiddling, is back up and running. Barring a couple of screws that hold the hop into the barrel unit, its all good. Unfortunately, the previous owner wasnt very kind and it appears the hop unit is broken just forward of the C clip. So, i'm on the look out for a hop unit....my question is.......any makes to avoid? By the looks of it, its a dedicated hop and doesnt share any other platforms. Or am i wrong on that? the G36 one looked similar but id rather buy one that was going straight in.

    Any help greatly appreciated as this is one of my bucket list RIF's (next is a FAL and then a FAMAS---i know, i'm weird...LOL!!).



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Iceni


      Aug's are defiantly one of the oddities of the airsoft world.

      Unlike other platforms like the m4 where the gearbox is locked in place and you reference everything to the gearbox, Augs have no reference or fixed points internally. It's more of a relationship.

      The only real fixed point is the back of the spacer on the back of the hop. It's that engagement that sets everything else up and it took me a while to work it all out.

      The hop position in the upper, Irrelevant. It just needs to move freely.
      Magwell plate, irrelevant. It'll self position to the mag, and line up to the hop automatically.
      Gearbox position, irrelevant. The hop will set the distance and put load onto the gearbox plate, I actually killed a magwell plate when I first got an AUG thinking shimming a gearbox would be a good idea, it's not. Let the hop spring do all that work.
      Even the tappet plate/airnozzle are largely irrelevant. You need just enough space to feed well, but if it's pushing too hard on the hop the tappet spring is weak enough that it seats correctly anyway. And doesn't push the gearbox off the hop.

      It's a weird gun to understand. But also very simple and very clever when you do understand it. It's by far my favourite internal design. You can set everything on the gearbox external to the body, even motor height. And the rest just works if you let it work. Most Augs i've looked at second hand that have issues all relate to the hop not moving correctly, and people going round in circles trying to fix a problem they created.

    3. Egon_247


      Hop fitted. High torque motor fitted. Sound deadening fitted. It's EVIL...😂

      Thank you for your guidance. I've printed it out and ingested every word.👍


    4. Iceni


      Glad it's all working out :D Have fun with it :D

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