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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Systema PTW MK18
    Systema PTW HK416
    Marui P226
  • Loadouts
    AOR 1 devgru kit
    (WIP) US Army CAG multicam kit
  • Sites
    Combat south Woodland (wickham)
    South Coast CQB
    Sandpit (very rarely)
  • Gender
  • Location
    locks heath
  • Interests
    Airsoft (obviously), motocross, watching tv, Football (Huge chelsea fan) and genrally being lazy

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  1. Hi everyone, Now we've all come across 'characters' on the field you know the type of people who make me wonder how it is even possible the posses the intellectual capacity to even operate a brush let alone an airsoft gun I'd love to hear all the experiences you guys have had with people of this caliber? 😎
  2. Best boots I've used are the Salomon 4D GTX's so light great ankle support and the work really well with bth my camo patterns (multicam & AOR1) tad expensive at around £120-130 but really work the money
  3. No mate got it second hand a couple of weeks ago, but i would imagine it originally came from him.
  4. My 2nd PTW: 08 base Eagle Eye HK416 kit Shortened board (lipo mod) Orga barrel Orga flat hop And a multitude of external bits Also a dusty tan/snakeskin paint job
  5. Best radios I've used are the Toy soldier PRC 148's really expensive for a radio but work really well
  6. My PTW mk18 mod 1 (WIP) 08 max 2 base Stock motor Etiny mosfet FCC stainless cylinder DD mk18 RIS FCC aluminium outer barrel And a fair few attachments (as you can see)
  7. I got mine from Fire support Just after i bought the gun
  8. I've owned a G&G and personally i found it as useful as a trapdoor on a life boat, quite frankly it was poor, a few guns later i gave in to the pressure and bought a PTW and it is something else the thing feels solid as anything it is constructed amazingly and to shoot it is just something else its like nothing i've ever owned, i would never have anything else. The biggest gripe most people seem to have with them is the motors but to be honest ive had mine for 2 years and im still on the factory one and it performs excellently
  9. My 2008 Systema PTW MAX 2 Mods: FCC multi length outer barrel DD 12.5 RIS 2 Magpul AFG 1 Replica surefire m300 mini scout A crap tonne of XTM rail covers Replica peq 16 Replica aimpiont T1 on a LaRue mount Project PTW PMag shell with systema internals with regards to cost i think (since its been built up over a long period of time) its around £1400
  10. MK18's do but this is a sopmod block 2 they dont have a specific colour to the ris
  11. My current loadout:(head to toe) OPS CORE Ballistic replica Element Comtac 2 bolle specs OD shemagh Helly Hansen Lifa top black hoodie Warrior elite ops DCS Multicam Bulldog Tactical MOLLE battle belt (with warrior pouches) Defcon 5 Multicam trousers magnum boots(not in picture) Gun: Systema PTW M4-A1 2008 max with DD 12' RIS Mags: 6x Tackleberry P-MAGS
  12. I do actually now have a 2 spectres so potentially will sell one at the right price
  13. £1000 for everything in the picture + garmin and a few other bits
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