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Everything posted by The_Lord_Poncho

  1. I've taken a look - unfortunately nothing in my size in stock - however it has put me onto the idea that a chinese company called 'TMC' do crye style tigerstripe trousers etc - which look like they go up to about a 33inch inseam... food for thought, thanks! I've had a look at some of those AATV videos before - i'll have a ganders at that one when i get home.they certainly go into a lot of detail!
  2. Outstanding leads there! Yes, i had looked at Flectarn - as you say, unfortunately out of stock. Just had a cabby at the Moore Militaria site -very funky gold tiger stripe in stock at the moment (actually i think Soldier of Fortune have some of the gold in at the moment as well ). I did look wider at the SOF stuff - that would definitely be an option in the 'tadpole' pattern. I'd need to check the inseam leg and check that its a minimum of 33inch though. I see what you mean by the russian camo - but its quite 'lizardy'.... I think i've found a source of truspec shirts, and the photos (the flectarn.co.uk photos are pretty good) do put it looking rather similar in shade and pattern to the helikon trousers (which i am tempted to try simply because of the more modern cut). For the time being, i think its between that option and the SOF set... Its amazing which direction that the purchase of an XM177 take you!
  3. Right, so I've spent an inordinate amount of time trawling past threads and Google in an attempt to source a good (and currently available) set of tiger stripe. Appreciating there are many many varieties, the pattern that I'm most keen on is the less dense/less dark/more green than brown type- often called 'John Wayne' pattern. Authenticity of cut is not a problem for me- in fact a modern crye style would be ideal (albeit I can't seem to locate any long inseam/non black body options in that cut). I note that Helikon do a pair of trousers in the tiger stripe style that is inviting- so that would be an option. But they don't do a top half! Might the Truspec 'original vietnam pattern' tiger stripe shirt be a fair match? Any other suggestions? Ideally under £100 for the set.
  4. Well, after a little bit of time with a hex key -I can confidently state yes - the CM.041J's which are currently being shipped do indeed have gearboxes with a quick change spring function!
  5. Many thanks - agreed it was exactly those conflicting specs that caused me to ask the question on here! Guess there is only one way to find out!
  6. Before I order parts and take it apart, does anyone happen to know if the Cyma Blue Edition MP5s (i.e. CM.041J) have gearbox's with quick change springs? Thanks!
  7. Superb - many thanks Speedbird - super thorough - I'll check those items tonight. First impressions are that the gun is heavy and solid! Certainly a different beast to my old original TM M5.....
  8. This might be a strange question, but… I’ve taken delivery of a Cyma Blue Edition MP5 (CM.041J). I’ve absolutely no reason to suspect that I’ve been stiffed by the seller, but seeing as the box and paperwork contained have zero reference both to the product code nor the fact that it is a Blue Edition that I’ve been sent, what would be the easiest way that I can go about checking that I have indeed been sent the Blue Edition version that I ordered, instead of the cheaper standard version? Do I really need to strip the whole thing down and look in the gearbox to check it has the relevant upgraded parts? I would have expected to see some form of label/sticker on the box denoting it to be the Blue Edition as a minimum!
  9. Thank you both for your advice - super useful. I had read a few posts regarding problems with Specna, but most seemed to be over a year old, so i had (probably wrongly!) assumed that the issues were now sorted. I'll do some more research then!
  10. Hello all, first post here. Recently taken up airsoft, but have yet to purchase a gun. I have a (hopefully) fairly simple question - i have tried searching for the answer, but it has been elusive (possibly because i don't know the correct terminology!). I'm looking at getting some variety of Specna Arms Edge to get me going - from a bit of research, this seems a fair 'middle of the road' choice. Now the point of the post - I like the modern/free float handguard look, and the battery capacity of the crane stock - so am thinking about getting one of those flavours from the Specna range. But I'm also quite keen to create a rough approximation of the classic L119A1, and have the ability to swap between builds using the same base rifle. A XM177 stock+ rubber butt pad, the addition of a triangle front sight, and of course - the removal of the free float handguard, and its replacement with a more classic m4 type front handguard, attached via a delta ring. My question is this - can a delta ring (to fit a classic M4 handguard) be retro fitted to a specna arms receiver that was originally shipped with a free float handguard? Or perhaps, would it be a better idea to purchase a rifle that comes with the correct(ish!) handgurad and delta ring+ triangle sight (e.g. the specna EO3) - and then, would it be possible to later remove the front sight and retrofit a free float handguard to that? I'm sure that purists will tell me that there are a million other things to do before i can get something that approaches a L119A1, but i'm not bothered too much about the minor details - all in good time!
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