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  • Guns
    Tippmann M4 Carbine V1 14.5” DMR and V2 10.3” URG-I, Zenit Cyma AK74-SU, P* F2 MCX Legacy, CANiK TP9
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    Antifascist counter protestor, leftist revolutionary anarchist
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    Level 2 (Atherton), Camp Anzio (Leek), The Gaol Airsoft (Oakham)
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    0161 Manny on the Map

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  1. Wouldn’t be unheard of a two-tone blue SRS A1 turned up the other day.
  2. That tag looks retail as fuck, who is selling Systemas to first time players with no UKARA?
  3. I’m a Green Party member, we’re embroiled in leadership power struggles, internal politics and various other operational issues. I wouldn’t worry, and if we did get a sniff at an election win, which we won’t, but if we did I assure you I’d personally take a significantly more active role as a party member to ensure the right people are put in front of the right decision makers to ensure the longevity of airsoft. As much as I or others don’t want to believe it, party donors have a lot of sway in the Green Party, a fat donation could wipe that policy right off the manifesto.
  4. This wins “Least Effort Exerted in a Sales Post” 2024
  5. No Info ✅ Scuffed PTW that ”Needs putting back together” ✅ FPS: 3-7 ✅ Amazon Drop-Shipped Gear ✅ Weird blurred photos of gun despite other photos having it in full view ✅ Random BAR ✅ Random Pistol of indeterminate origin ✅ 2K I know what I have
  6. Hey, I’m Matt who owns Lancashire Armament Co, I just want to be absolutely clear that we never charge for parts sourced and only bill for CAD time on parts we design in house. I’m not suggesting your accusing me of such, but just for clarity of anyone reading this thread in the future. We charge for machine time and materials only as described in the invoice, for any paid or personal use only models our customers “instruct” us to manufacture the part on their behalf and we never share parts between customers who do not own licenses to them. We have a proven track record of enforcing users purchasing personal usage rights to paid models and will always do so. As contributors to open-source ourselves we respect the terms and limitations of the licenses imposed on us.
  7. He doesn’t know the make, model, or power but what he does know is that it’s worth 350 quid… Prefired - Mosin Nagant
  8. I’m not disputing their craftsmanship but isn’t KoA famous for selling recoil owners down the river for thousands of pounds worth of “prommy internals” “fully upgrading it”?
  9. Literal piece of piss, honestly it couldn’t be simpler. Their instructions should have disassembly instructions as I had to put volume reducers in mine.
  10. Wonder if it’s the same guy referenced in this post? Can’t find the airsoft site on companies house but I assume that’s the owners Mrs on the other businesses which doesn’t inspire confidence that’s he’s not barred from being a director.
  11. For potential buyers, this is the MTW specific Reaper M and not the solenoid fired Reaper Gen 2 so you wouldn’t easily be able to drop this into a non-MTW
  12. CANiK is made by Armorer Works and which is made by WE not VFC.
  13. I caught a MK5 in my hoodie hood which someone threw over a fence which I was stood behind. It went off in my hood before anyone could get it out despite being jumped on by at least two other people I didn’t know. When it went off it burnt a huge hole in my balaclava, deafened me for the next two days and left with me a mild concussion. I’m good for idiots throwing even MK5s around tbh…
  14. Repro Klesch 2Ps are 30 quid on AliExpress with the small rail section it’s mounted to. the grip is cooked and missing screws so what’s worth 80 quid here?
  15. I imagine when it comes to UKARA he’s a lot like this guy - https://youtu.be/9Xt_d3MZ5_8
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