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Posts posted by Emergencychimps

  1. I've commented on hearing protection threads before, so I'm sure it'll be no surprise that I'll say save your money for something good. 


    Don't waste your time and money on sub £100 options. Every time this type of things comes up, people say stuff like, "my earmors are great", then 6 games later the same people are looking for new options cause their earmors failed, they seem to be little better than rebranded z tactical ones. There will then be the people that are like, "well I've had mine for 15 games" and that's great, but they're the exception, not the rule. I'd also suggest that they have been used in 15 good weather games etc. 


    Howard leights are good for shooting and robust, but not good enough with their directional sound for them to not be a massive impediment in an Airsoft game. 


    If you're concerned about your hearing (and if you attend any sites that allow tags you should be) then the cheaper in ear surefire plugs are the way until you have a bigger budget. 


    I went for sordins and even then, after the sweat, discomfort etc they still aren't regular use items for me. 

  2. Went to AWA Herts today. It wasn't a great day and I won't be back (at least not for a fair while!). It just wasn't good and frankly, there didn't seem like the potential it would ever be good. 


    1. Timings, they were late starting and then finished early for lunch. Lunch was almost 1 hour 45 minutes. Between each game it was a trek back to the safe zone for more time wasting. End of the day, there wasn't enough people with bbs to have another game before the day ran out....so they ended it early. 


    2. The games were very funnelled and limited ability to do anything other than a full frontal attach, the game zones aren't marked or explained before games, but when you've been hunkered down for ages and you're 3 metres outside the zone you'll get told. 


    3. Hit taking (for me) wasn't bad (for a member of my group doing his first game, it was terrible), but it wasn't great either. 


    4. The site has a few set piece areas, they're a trek from the safe zone and frankly either not used well or it's just a dull woodland site. 


    5. Swamp like mud and water. I get its very hard to manage drainage on a site, but they've been going at least 13 years and everywhere was like a swamp with little to nothing to prevent players having to go through 7-8 inch deep streams/ditches (3-4 feet wide) between the safe zone and game areas (and in game areas). No sign of bridges, anything on the paths to improve drainage etc. 


    The staff were all friendly enough, took feedback etc but I got the impression nothing will change. I just can't see how I could justify going there when much better is available for similar money. 


    It wasn't terrible, such as arsey marshalls. But there just wasn't anything really positive. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Wavey_Gravey said:

    Get a new grip, one with a steeper drop off.


    This helps (love my bcm gunfighter) but also make sure your stock is extended the correct amount for you, when holding so the stock tube parallel to your forearm, the stock end should sit neatly in the elbow crease. 


    So many people have the stock too short, especially for airsoft (no recoil to manage). 

  4. For context, I've ran tm recoils with increased power springs for about 10 years and my brother has a fully upgraded tm recoil as well. 


    Best bet is to get a ngrs spring from eagle six. They are the first and leaders in ngrs custom stuff. There is an Italian firm that makes ngrs specific power springs too (kingdom of Airsoft supply them, FPS Airsoft I think theyre called).


    The ngrs springs are shorter than standard aeg springs. Then it's just pick which power you want. 


    In my cheapo stock version set up I've had to replace the gears at least 3 times each gun and a couple of pistons. Gears because stock gears aren't strong enough for upgraded springs, it'll work for a while but they will fail. Pistons were from having a MOSFET in mine and using an 11.1 lipo.


    In my brother's no expense spared upgraded one (from eagle six, before MOSFETs became a thing) it's had a replacement spring and when I last took it apart after he had it for 7+ years it looked good as new. 


    If you're making your power out and looking for that 340 mark, I'd strongly recommend replacing gears now as well. 


    Another point to note is the stock spring is attached to the piston head, you can either replace the piston head or you can trim the piston head to reveal the screw that holds the spring to the piston. 

  5. 58 minutes ago, ParHunter said:

    IMHO the arm bands should not be to spot a player but to identify one once you have spotted them. 


    If it's such an issue for you, attend events and sites that based teams off the clothes etc you wear and don't use arm bands. 


    Ultimately, it's a team based game and most skirmish sites do that team designation using an armband, which based on the name should be on the arm, not the wrist, ankle, plate carrier or your left bollock.you know this before going to a site and paying your fee. 


    Just because you've chosen a special outfit for the day, I'm struggling to see why other people who have also paid should be at a disadvantage of not being able to determine your team as quickly as the any other player on site. As the anomaly you are the issue. 


    I do sympathise, but it isn't real war. I've played against players in woodland both with arm bands and against arm bands and if you're sensible, it's not that much of a big deal. I've certainly had days of being slaughtered by arm band wearing players. 


  6. On the cooker side of things, heard great things about alpkits bru kit, which is a copy of the jet boils and are about £50. 


    I was always a fan of a hot chocolate flavoured protein porridge just before sleep, generally meant there was hot water for a metal bottle with a sock around it to act as a hot water bottle. Anything that helped me get good sleep in the 4-5 hours of rest I'd get was very welcome. 


    Wet clothes were removed, but important clothes I'd have to wear again were generally added to my sleeping bag to dry them out (or at least keep them warm, warm wet clothes were better than freezing wet clothes).

  7. Does the heat set have a mic or aux input? 


    My sordins have an aux input, I can run it from a speaker mic (Kenwood, smc34 I think) and there's a 2.5 mm to 3.5mm cable that's pretty standard that can be used. 


    You hear from the sordins and talk into the speaker mic 

  8. I've been using a 5.56 strip clip that I bent a bit smaller (narrower) with some pliers. 


    Makes the strikey side of the primer covered in metal and with a hole drilled in one end, it's tied onto a pouch it's stored in. 


    As they are quite firmly in place, makes it easy to just take one when needed and I top it up between game days, it can take around 12 at a time 


  9. I'd agree with the general consensus on here. 


    Do some basic tests yourself and see what's working well. Get enough to see you through a game day or 2. If you haven't, I'd suggest picking up a new rif and offloading anything you don't absolutely love. Having a tech do proper checks will cost a fortune. 


    All the rifs etc are just extra weight on the mind and a distraction from actually playing (which I think is the good bit) get stuff you love and can use. Keep anything you love and move anything you don't love on to pay for the new bits and free up head space. I always think a high quality item is better than 3 cheap ones. 


    Unless teching is a side of Airsoft you love (and by the fact you even asked this question, I guess you don't) the whole tech side can be a slog that takes away from the pure joy of our sport and I've seen people get so wrapped up in it they forget the objective is to have fun playing army soldiers. 

  10. 11 hours ago, Wavey_Gravey said:


    Carbon shell like the ops core and comes with 4D pads, real Wilcox shroud too.


    These look great, not something I need but very impressive. 


    You may not want bump level protection now, but it might become a factor for you in the future. 


    I can't tell you the number of times I've bought kit that was fit for what I wanted right then, didn't care about some element of it, only for that feature to become very important to me later. 


    It's been the case with optics, rifs, clothing, helmets, chest rigs etc. Sometimes the change in need has just been for the larp, sometimes it's been a feature that's been required. When spending any sum of cash, I'd always recommend some well rounded consideration. 


    Also, while these are responses to your initial question, as a forum this acts as a repository of information that others may find interesting 

  11. 54 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


    LARP is the only real reason. 


    For me, thats a good enough reason on it's own. I just don't want to bang on about a super good team wendy/ops core if you want to do namsoft! 


    I miss the days of people doing impressions and even the most casual player dressing semi like a soldier.....where have my rose tinted glasses gone!?!?! 


    8 minutes ago, The_Roach said:

    Thank you all for your wealth of experience and knowledge. I have enough information to make the choice that will suit my gameplay.


    Just to answer, and narrow down the range of, a few concerns 

    I'm all up for comfort, but 13 years in two armies, including stints in Helmand, the Balkans, Kenya, Norway etc. have taught me to support way worse when it comes to sweating under a heavy helmet.

     - The why ? Purely fashion. I'm not after protection, I don't need it. I will however get accessories on it, including headset, I plan on getting NVDs, probably a strobe and/or counterweight. 



    If you're planning on NVDs in the future, spend the money and get something good now. Or you'll spend a small amount now and then a bigger chunk later as well vs just doing a bigger chunk now. A PTS flux is good enough for NVD usage. 


    As always though, your opening comment says you're newish to Airsoft. Unless you've done a good 5+ games I'd advise holding off until you do. I love airsoft (generally) but it has a few inherent not so great bits and its easy in the first few months/games to overlook them, sometimes choosing to do so. If you're still into it after 5+ games and you're still convinced etc then yeah, spend the cash. 

  12. My question would be why? 


    They get sweaty, in summer they get very sweaty. That sweat will encourage your glasses to fog (assuming you don't wear mesh) and can cause pressure headaches. 


    They can get hot and quite uncomfortable, they also can act as nice little targets behind trees, hedges, bramble patches etc. that are hard to conceal and make you an easier to spot target. Unless you make them look great (and each style that is something different) then they can be pretty dorky/brand new airsofter look. 


    They aren't generally rated, so while anecdotally they help in a tumble, walk into a branch, bashing heads on windows while climbing through, they can also cause these by adding an extra inch or so to your height. 


    If your answer is you want to wear nods or you think they look cool or you want that extra security they bring, want to mount a face mask, all are valid but the recommendation of what is likely to change. 


    The PTS flux is brilliant, owned one before and sold (regret it), have a genuine ops core carbon at the moment but just picked up another pts flux as they very good for the money. They can suit big heads 60cm plus, so if you're smaller, then they can look a bit spaceballs helmet esque (google if you're too young to get it). They are nice and rigid so do the protection thing well, they look cool, don't need a lot of dressing up to look good. But there is little to no ventilation, smaller headed players look silly, they aren't cheap and accessories (ear attachments, covers etc) are harder to source and more expensive. 


    Real opscore carbon/bump. They're super comfortable, light, ventilated, rated for bumps, knocks etc, come in a variety of sizes to suit. but they are expensive, £150 plus second hand if you're lucky for an old bump, £350 plus for carbon. New prices are silly (£600+). Legit accessories then add on as well (cost wise)


    FMA do a good set of clones, they come in multiple sizes and colours. Haven't owned one so can't comment anymore but heard good things, if the cheap mtek flux didn't just come up then I'd probably have got one. I think getting a UK source isn't easy. 


    I have owned Emerson and dragon red(no longer exist), if you have a larger head, then they'll be tight. 


    Anything cheaper than £50 and I'd probably avoid to be honest. 

  13. The vortex crossfire red dot is a great red dot. 


    You can get the holy warrior T2 with a nice mount for around 50% of the price and it's very good as well. 


    If you like the eotech size window then the holy warrior S1 is great. 


    Holy warrior is much cheaper if imported, mine came in around £40 including the scalar works clone mount and postage and I've see UK retailers charging £75. 


    Another option would be an lpvo with a red dot mounted directly on top, check out the new ks1 optic that is being issued to special forces as an example, there are Airsoft clones of similar available.


    Other than for PID, magnification ok optics in Airsoft for me is a bit pointless. 

  14. Always empty them after games. 


    I think leaving them tensioned for a day or 2 is fine, but generally there is a week or 2 between games and I think that's too long. I ran the same set of pmags for around 8 years and they never skipped a beat, but they were well looked after. 

  15. Don't quote me, but I find the .209 primers, 9mm and mk5s around the same volume of bang. These I'm happy to do events without ear pro. 


    12g and tag frags are louder and more likely to do damage. These really need ear pro.... especially if indoors.



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