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  • Guns
    KWC Sig Sauer SP2022 (Spring), Cyma 132S (will send it back)

    Want: Novritsch SSX23
  • Loadouts
    None. Just some Eye Protection.
  • Sites
    I want to play at home.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Writing, Netflix, collecting Swiss Army Knives, producing music

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  1. Yup. I simply asked for advice and they started to bully and mock me, when I created a thread they all commented rude on it and called me a fake and that I’d have blamed myself. 🤬
  2. That sounds great. There is an airsoft forum but I wasn’t there anymore since I got bullied by a bunch of members.
  3. I can’t drive Bicycle, never had the opportunity to learn it, also it would be a bit far to drive all that kilometers. Have no one to drive me either. I’m sure, I’ll but it won’t be easy.
  4. I would totally forget about Taiwangun, as for the case you need to return something, their return policy and customer service is awful. 1. You have to pay the shipping costs yourself in case of returning (no good store does that, at least not here). 2.) They take like forever to send you a shipping label. 3.) They stop answering you during the process.
  5. Returned the SP2022 and got a Beretta 92FS and TM 1911A1 (both Springers). I got both for the case that one of them doesn’t work. If I have gotten my refunds back for the AEP (im still waiting for the shipping label. I don’t recommend buying from Taiwangun) and my SP2022, if so I will buy a SSX23 or something else if it is enough to cover most of the costs.
  6. @GAMBLE well, the main thing is to be able to go to a field. It’s really hard without drivers license and car.
  7. @GAMBLEThanks for your advice. My friends don’t play airsoft. @michael59 Thank you.
  8. Cocking... is this pulling the slide back? 😂 I can guess why it was named like that. I know, I just bought it because I didn’t know what would be quiet enough for at home. Well, I don’t like AEPs. I guess for Airsoft on Fields I’d go for GBB or CO2. But like I said I have no field or hall near me and we don’t have many teams in my area and the ones we have play in France.
  9. @GAMBLE hey there, you must be quite famous in this forum as I’ve heard of you, user name wise. For now I just have some Targets, Protection Glasses and a Plan-B-Pistol (KWC Sig Sauer SP2020 Springer). Advice and Tips are always very welcome as I’m so noobie, that I didn’t even know how to put bbs in the Magazine and find out why I can’t pull the slide back so the hammer is ready for shooting, so that bbs fly. Yet it only dry fires.
  10. KWC Sig Sauer SP2022 Spring ASG Standard BBs 0,20 Sticky Targets Protection Glasses
  11. Yup, I like it so far. Only the posting limit is meh.
  12. Hahaha, really? I thought I’d be the only German in here. already started a Thread.
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