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Everything posted by Cannonfodder

  1. Which afaik most couriers won't touch as they're pressurised
  2. Yay, another M4. A whole 3 posts. Must've been a real deep dive
  3. Invicta run Wednesday night games at their Black Site in Yalding https://www.invictabattlefield.co.uk/cqb-site
  4. I get the "oops, something went wrong" message on the main page but everything else is working
  5. According to the listing on JD airsoft it comes with a full moon clip so I assume it's that. An adjustable hop is good too
  6. Wow, that is low powered. I agree that not mentioning that it's unsuitable for skirmishing is a dick move too.
  7. If you can't be open and honest with us from the start then why should we trust you or pay attention to a word you post? As @Rogerborg posted we get posts like this regularly and 99.9% of the time bugger all comes of their plans to revolutionise the hobby. From this I guess you're part of a site. In that case what I want is marshals who know what they're doing (especially when it comes to chronoing) and actually want to do the job rather than stand around on their phone. Edit: a quick search for airsoft genie brings up genie stuff airsoft uk. A shop who's website is dead and from what I can see on pinterest they specialise in 2 tones and mostly sell cheap crap. @Airsoft_Ginie iscthat you?
  8. No mention of the missing flash hider and then there's this "Not performance orientated." That sounds to me like it's knackered and they don't know what's wrong with it
  9. Welcome. This. There are many options to try and stop this from various sprays etc to helmet mounted fans. Personally I use this stuff https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/275546461776?campid=5339022113&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&toolid=10050&customid=CjwKCAjwnPS-BhBxEiwAZjMF0kexx8fSo_W_7nhR7r4X8TpGt-ekIDSn8uCQ7PVZhtJnOa-rbqHZzhoCGicQAvD_BwE&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1z4RnPJpVSJ6_6D6GOd75Tg25&customid=12{gbraid}&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwnPS-BhBxEiwAZjMF0kexx8fSo_W_7nhR7r4X8TpGt-ekIDSn8uCQ7PVZhtJnOa-rbqHZzhoCGicQAvD_BwE For face protection you've several different options too. One piece masks such as the Dye range offer the most protection but make it harder to get a good cheek weld, whereas masks such as the one in the post above allow you to get your face lower to the sights but there are small gaps between the mask and your eye protection which a bb will find eventually. Alternatively if you want something without all the straps there are these balaclava style masks with mesh sewn in https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/big-dragon-shadow-fighter-mesh-mask?pv=17971
  10. I think it's the modern LPVO scope
  11. Would this fit a MP5K? I know they don't use a standard v2 gearbox but as I understand it the only difference is that they have a motor cage
  12. All massive red flags in my opinion. You've got a pretty strong case to get a refund via PayPal or a charge back from your bank so I'd get onto them asap. Even if it really was damaged in transit then the seller is still responsible for refunds and would need to claim on the insurance. If they didn't have any or sent it via a firm who don't ship rifs then that's their tough luck. This. Exposing scammers and problem sellers is the only way to get them to stop
  13. A was sat at the bar in a pub looking depressed so the barman approached and asked him what's wrong. "I had a huge argument with the wife and she said she's not talking to me for a week" replied the man. "Well at least you'll get some peace and quiet for a while" said the barman hoping to cheer him up. The man sighed, finished his drink and said "That was 7 days ago"
  14. The old Red Jacket special. The choice of incestuous rapists
  15. Same here. What did it for me was having 3 fully charged nimh batteries die by lunchtime on a particularly cold and snowy game day, whereas the lipo battery a mate lended me lasted the rest of the day despite being a similar Mah and smaller in size. The best description for AR platform I've heard is that it's the airsoft clitoris. Every cunt has got one
  16. One has appeared in the classifieds. Not the worst I've seen but it's still fugly
  17. I guess scrolling half way down the main page is too hard for some people
  18. Most likely they'll order a load specially made at an inflated price then cancel it at the last minute and order a load of Chinese clones.
  19. If the MoD are reading here goes Improve pay, make sure buildings on bases are suitable and fit for human habitation and stop putting soldiers in court for doing their jobs. Can I have my £120,000 now as these would improve recruitment and retention levels far better than letting joe public fondle a couple of toy guns
  20. I just had this appear on my news feed https://www.forcesnews.com/technology/weapons-and-kit/defence-chiefs-target-airsoft-players-bid-help-boost-military-recruiting Think what many airsofters are like then think if you'd want to give them a gun Also whoever wrote that clearly didn't look at what the vcra actually says On the plus side it might save the MoD a few quid if recruits have already got their kit
  21. Well he didn't specifically say it was his
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