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Shamal last won the day on June 28

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    G and G 30th anniversary g26.ares amoeba 013.we smg8 mp7 gbb. Sig p226. M9 and mk 23 tm.Specna arms
  • Loadouts
    Black swat loadout. Viper multicam.south African vests. Mostly viper gear cause it's great gear
  • Sites
    Green ops liphook.portsdown hill tunnels(ucap)
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Drones,drink,driving and (hic) duns..sorry guns!
    Airsoft obs.
    Mainly reading in garden about airsoft with a gun in one hand and drinky poos in other lol.

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  1. How can a reputable,recommend garage have my car for two weeks and then say "sorry we can't find what is causing fault,you should take it to main dealers" 

    Gonna pick it up tomorrow. Dread to think what the bill is! ☹

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      Ask them if they have the manufacturers approved software for fault finding.  If the answer is no, ask them wtf they took the motor in for in the first place!

    3. Shamal


      @Tactical Pith Helmet.

      The car is a Peugeot and I asked them if they had planet peugeot diagnostics when I took car in.

      They said no but they had all the latest software stuff installed which was comparable to planet peugeot.

      They have suggested I take it to main dealer who may have come across this fault before.

      Peugeot are £80 per hour!

      It's a headache 😫


    4. ak2m4


      these days I just want a simple car which just works and won't present me with a wallet busting bill, does such a car exist?  Tempted with electric but prices are just crazy here once taxes are added on.  2nd hand? don't fancy an £8000 bill when the battery needs to be replaced 😞  Some of the Chinese electric cars however are looking great, interesting times.

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