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Shamal last won the day on June 28

Shamal had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    G and G 30th anniversary g26.ares amoeba 013.we smg8 mp7 gbb. Sig p226. M9 and mk 23 tm.Specna arms
  • Loadouts
    Black swat loadout. Viper multicam.south African vests. Mostly viper gear cause it's great gear
  • Sites
    Green ops liphook.portsdown hill tunnels(ucap)
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Drones,drink,driving and (hic) duns..sorry guns!
    Airsoft obs.
    Mainly reading in garden about airsoft with a gun in one hand and drinky poos in other lol.

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  1. How can a reputable,recommend garage have my car for two weeks and then say "sorry we can't find what is causing fault,you should take it to main dealers" 

    Gonna pick it up tomorrow. Dread to think what the bill is! ☹

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shamal


      Yeah you are right. Interesting times.

      I see they trialed a flying car last week. 

      God help us!

      It's bad enough people throwing litter out the window on the motorway. Can you imagine coke cans and half eaten egg sandwiches and bags of macdonalds chips raining down. Lol

      Then there is fly(no pun intended although I think it has potential lol)tipping! Now that could certainly hurt especially mattresses 😀



    3. rj1986


      @ak2m4 I do a lot of work with Nio, and for the amount of car you get for the price is pretty good. They've just entered Europe properly so hopefully they'll make a RHD version.

    4. ak2m4


      @rj1986 heard a lot about NIO, been following Xpeng for a few years as well, early days for sure.  What gets me is the UK government bangs on about being the need to switch to cleaner fuels. go electric but the costs of the offerings from the traditional players are quite high.  My mate in US just bought a new Tesla Model 3 for $35000, and he said he can claim back around $5000 through tax schemes etc, so around £21,500.  Same car here in the UK £42,500.  Ok it's not a great comparison, different countries, different economy etc but jezzzzz

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