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C-Diddy last won the day on October 28 2023

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM 416 DEVGRU, TM MWS, Umarex Glock 17, harsh language
  • Loadouts
    Various mix and match set-ups- M81, Tigerstripe, MCB, Rhodey, MC Tropic, MARPAT
  • Sites
    Combat South (RIP), Ground Zero, Camouflage Airsoft Bmth
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Guns (obvs) military and military history, a wide taste in films, outdoor stuff, dog walking and general chitchat.

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  1. Rifle has the OG TM hop rubber, but less than 1,000 rounds through it. Honestly, it's really annoying me because I know how awesome it should be
  2. After a break from airsoft of several months (not planned, just life happening) I finally got to the range yesterday. I took all my AEGs and my two MWS. Thankfully, the AEGs were all fully functioning, so when it had warmed up a bit, I started with the MWS. I'd forgotten just how much fun they are. My old faithful short URG-I build was great, pinging .3s out to the end of the range snappily, and with a good degree of accuracy. All the TM and GM mags were still gas-tight and I was grinning like a twat, blatting away. Then it came to the more troublesome long boi build. This fucker is still so inconsistent. Range is absolutely fine, but without shifting POA, shots are still going left, right and skyward. Looking down the barrel, the hop looks to be sitting straight, so I'm at a bit of a loss. Any thoughts?
  3. The ASG green label Ultrair is 135psi
  4. If it can't be fixed with cable ties or tape, do it at home. You paid to shoot people, not piss around opening a gearbox.
  5. That's the wisest way IMHO. All the stock parts you listed are great. If you can fi d TM nozzles in stock, you could pick a couple up. GM parts are, in my experience anyway, generally good, but play better with other GM parts, particularly in the BCG etc. Avoid Angry Gun internals if you can, but you've got the parts most prone to breaking, so run and enjoy it 👍
  6. I use a TM XL speedloader with the built-in pistol adapter, with works a treat with MWS mags. I also use an Odin for AEG M4 mags. I do have the AirTac MWS adapter for the Odin, but still favour the TM loader. I imagine it'd work with VFC mags too, using the pistol adapter.
  7. Defcon also have it in stock and are open on Thursday
  8. Fire Support have it in stock at the moment
  9. I think we can all agree, like with so many things airsoft-related, it's completely subjective. I love my GBBRs. I love my NGRS. I play pretty similarly with both (I don't full auto, just a 3rd burst) and I enjoy both equally. The AEG improves my odds of hitting someone, purely due to increased ammo count. Even a well-aimed, considered shot can disappear into the wilderness due to airsoft ballistics being crap. Bottom line, back-ups are a very good idea.
  10. Stock answer will be an MWS, and from personal experience, they are superb with lots of third party support. If you're after a MK18, I'd be tempted to buy the cheaper CQB-R and adding your own externals, purely down to the barrel nut issue. Having said that, there are a few options for barrel nut tools now. I think you're right on the SCAR front, that you're limited to WE. Can't comment on their GBBRs, but I have to say I've had a few pistols, and they've all been fine. I'm really interested by the increased range that VFC are putting out, or releasing next year, so that may be worth a look. I know they seem to have had some QC issues in the past, but from what I can gather, the current generation are much better. They also have the official HK licence...
  11. I'm pretty sure that as long as it's a GBB spec barrel, you're good. Happy to be corrected.
  12. Plate carrier-wise a Warrior LPC and dangler, with Esstac 5.56 placard and Platatac mag pouches. I'm thinking of getting an Agilite PC in the new year. Chest rigs, I use a Platatac Peacekeeper Mk5, which has so much space it's ridiculous, and I also have a TMC Spiritus clone with various inserts, and a Chicom, because, well, everyone should have one 😂
  13. For P-mags, try WGC Shop or JK Army. If the TM handguard has a QD point, just get a decent QD attachment (Magpul, BFG etc), if not, a Magpul M-LOK mount will sort you out. I have a WADSN Ngal clone that's decent enough
  14. Internally, just a new hop-up nub to lift heavier ammo. SixG brass nub, BavTac MHN and Jaeger Titan nub are all decent in my experience. Externally, just go with what you like. Loads of people (myself included) went for the URG-I look, but you've completed it, so accessorise as you see fit. Guns Modify P-mags are also decent if you want that look.
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