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Everything posted by leadly

  1. I hope to be picking one up over the weekend after cancelling my order for a WE G18c. Fingers crossed I don't get let down!
  2. My mate managed to get the last tan one. The slag didn't get me one! Ah well, picking up a WE G18C on Monday.
  3. Admittedly I haven't played many games (3) but I've made some adjustments here and there to my belt and harness set up. I got myself in a good position defensively at my last game but couldn't properly feel where my VSR or MK23 mag pouches were while I was prone-ish. So my next game I'm trialing a butt stock pouch with 1 pistol mag and 1 vsr mag in it. To throw a spanner in the works I'm looking at getting a Glock 18c as a third weapon to carry when I get found sniping and need an fun switch powered escape. Trying to figure out where it can live so it's not in the way but at hand quickly when needed!
  4. I really don't know what some of these words even mean but the stats and guns look pretty decent! 😂
  5. As Skara has said, it is just a quiet. Because this one comes with a block you fit to the gun first, then the supressor fits to that, you can double "fart flap" it. One internally and one externally. I will admit, it doesn't sound as nice as the original TM "thum" but I soon forgot about that. Dosn't dig into the ground either when you kneel down. There's a video on http://printedairsoft.co.uk of how it all works. Cannot grumble for £20!!
  6. Amazon viper hood turned up a few weeks early. Helikon Polish woodland cap Viper radio pouch Battery Extension Unit for my ARP9 Hopefully a bag of 400 leaves will turn up today ready for my leafy hood creation! Nipped to Hobbycraft earlier, got some acrylic ink to dye my leaves and a few more "crafty" bits!
  7. Managed 3 games now. 2 at Matlock and 1 at Phoenix. Really enjoyed my 2nd trip to Matlock at the weekend, it was nice to have a bit more map knowledge! Rifle now looks like this! Had to give the string a hair cut on the supressor at it kept on getting snagged. A few spray painted and burnt maple leaves have found their way on as well! I've also starting slinging 0.43's. A bit too early to say if I can tell much difference, there were a few windy spells on Saturday where I was having to aim about 10ft to the right to hit someone. Got a massive buzz from hitting folk and them not having a clue where it came from. Especially as my concealment only consists of some fern leaves stuffed into my boonie! My MK23 now has a Printed Airsoft osprey supressor attached to it, making it a lot shorter!
  8. Knowing my luck the delivery turned up after I left.
  9. I've just been to see Paul at UKFOB and came away with one along with a few other bits!! Didn't have his delivery of bangers in for it though so I'll have to wait!!
  10. I intend on buying one should they come back in to stock anytime soon!
  11. I can't stop buying "just a few bits"! Sniper string Recon Raffia 4 cheap o Walkie talkies so I can tell my mates I've fallen down a rabbit hole while out on a sniper flanking mission! 3D printed Osprey MK23 supressor from PrintedAirsoft A pack of £2.99 fake leaves to play "craft" with
  12. I've got a condor battle belt gen 2. Really impressed with it. Only £25ish. I got the H harness for it as well to take some of the weight of my lover back (slipped disc)!
  13. I used a small squirt of Wd-40's white lithium grease. A little seemed to go a long way.
  14. ARP 9 and a drum mag! What a noise it makes!! Look forward to testing it out on Sunday!
  15. You've got my number mate so let me know, I think we've just organised to go on the 11th October.
  16. Had my first match at Matlock combat games yesterday. I had a really good time and I must say, my VSR and MK23 performed perfectly! Got some decent ranged kills with both. It was nice to be called over to a position to help get rid of enemy snipers who had people pinned down. Everyone was friendly and the day was well organised. Over 70 people turned up so they are going booking only from now on to keep it to 50 ish. Time to spend a few more quid on a harness for my battle belt. Although not a lot of weight on it, it was niggling my lower back a little, but that's the joys of having a slipped disc. Also purchased a cheap £35 shotgun for when I goto Leicester Gaol. So I'm hunting for a scabbard. Should be it kit wise for a while!
  17. Puts a smile on my face everytime I use it! Getting a bit rough around some of the edges now but passed its recent MOT with no advisories! It'll get some love in a few years time when both kids are in school!
  18. I couldn't get hold of a crazy jet for the VSR but managed to get one for my TM MK23. The flamingo rubber gets big hype on the MK23 group on Facebook. I nearly put one in mine but chose the maple leaf in the end and it's what's in my VSR and I know it does the business! BB weight, I've got some of Geoff's super precision 0.40 BB's to test on the 15th. I'm toiling with running them in my MK23 as well but I might just use my 0.28's up first and see how I go!
  19. Didn't make it on the 18th as baby was in hospital! All better now though! I've booked again for August 15th! Hopefully I'll make it this time!
  20. Yes I thought that might be a good idea! Didn't initially want goggles but for free (bought him a kebab) I can't grumble. He reckons he might have some glasses knocking about as well that I can have. The joys of working with an ex infantryman!!
  21. On nights tomorrow so I'm staying up late. Productive night, game booked for the 18th at Matlock Combat Games!! Excited!! Taped up with partial effort, just to hide the two tone really but I quite enjoyed it and I'm relatively pleased with the result!!
  22. Well I've had the MK23 for a week now and wow, majorly impressed with it in its standard form. Made a temporary fart flap for it just to see the effect and it made such a difference, even with a bit of black cloth tape over the end of the supressor. I've taken that off though as it seemed a bit too heavy duty and was noticeably effecting the flight of the BB's, got some lighter camo tape for version 2!
  23. Got this beast and all of the good stuff to make it goodererer!
  24. Stuff!! Still no weapon yet though. Hopefully at the weekend maybe! Waiting on the last bits from Hadron to turn up as well!
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